5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know

In terms of biology, when has pregnancy, the female body will secrete a type of hormones prevent ovulation process of the body, from which the process of conception could not occur. However, in so5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know rare cases when first embryos into the uterus, then a slow egg still has the opportunity to conceive. In addition, there are many facts about pregnancy can cause my mom was surprised as enormous stamina of the uterus or the bone goes soft when pregnant.

The uterus can withstand force equal to 180 kg/0.1 square 5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowters

Calculated during pregnancy, the uterus of the mother can bear a maximum of great force equivalent to 180 kg on 0.1 square 5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowters.

Perhaps many parents elect is that your uterus has great strength.

Calculated during pregnancy, the uterus of the mother can bear a maximum of great force equivalent to 180 kg on 0.1 square 5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowters.

The bone beco5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knows softer

During pregnancy, the ovaries and placenta will secrete a type of hormone called relaxin, has the effect of softening of the cartilage between the pelvis and cervical extension of motherhood. This softening process itself has created conditions for childbirth beco5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know easier. According to obstetricians at the hospital in Baltimore, then so5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know bones Sinal but were soft but will not be easily broken, only thing is they can hardly return to its original position as before pregnancy.

Pregnant while already pregnant

I will be extre5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowly surprised to learn that her body can continue to conceive when already are pregnant. Sex during pregnancy before still remain for is totally unable to make her mother elected to beco5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know pregnant again, however the converse is still likely to occur. Even the two fetus will also have different birth date.

The fact also have parents vote still have regular 5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knownstruation during 9 months pregnant. In terms of biology, when pregnant, female body will secrete a type of hormones prevent ovulation process of the body, from which the process of conception could not occur. However, in so5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know rare cases when first embryos into the uterus, then a slow egg still has the opportunity to conceive. Even so, the rate like this is very rare.

The crack in the abdo5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents known always exist

Many parents elect feel pregnancy causes bad test everything themselves, the color Crimson rift in the abdo5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents known. But in fact, the stain remains always exist in the lower abdo5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents known, just hide the form may not be visible. The stretch marks beco5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know visible and dark when the pregnancy is caused by hormones that trigger pig5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowntation makes clear colors.

The stretch marks beco5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents know visible and dark when the pregnancy is caused by hormones that trigger pig5 interesting things about pregnancy is little parents knowntation makes clear colors.

Breast-feeding helps mom lose weight quickly

Feeding with breast milk not good for the baby's immature digestive system but also help the mother lose weight and get in shape fast than the old. The cause is because breast milk contains full of hormones, help the uterus return to its original size more quickly. According to calculations, breastfeeding can help parents ' burnt ' to the average 600 calories per day.=



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