6 'super poisonous' food pregnant mother must not be fooled to lose children in a heartbeat, regretful late

Animal liver

Animal liver is a super toxic food for pregnant women because it contains too much cholesterol that is not good for the heart and blood pressure causing many diseases for pregnant women. Besides, foods that contain a lot of vitamin A that exceed the safety threshold for pregnant women when eating a lot of maternal liver animals can bring serious consequences, which are deformities to the fetus.

Canned food

In pre-processed dishes often contain a lot of salt. Because to ensure that the food is kept in canned foods often contains a lot of salt and spices. Therefore, when pregnant mothers eat them, it is easy to put pressure on the kidneys and make you more susceptible to high blood pressure. Besides, high blood pressure will make the fetus not receive enough nutrients, you will be prone to premature birth.

Unpasteurized fresh milk harms babies

Vegetables shrinkage

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should not eat vegetables even though vegetables are rich in nutrients and good for pregnant women after birth. But in the composition of the vegetable also contains Papaverin - a poison found a lot in opium, when the mother elected to eat a lot of vegetables, causing the uterus to contract a lot, leading to a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Green papaya

Just like in vegetables, in unripe papaya there are lots of latex. This is a substance that contributes to uterine contractions and can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, miscarriage. Enzymes in green papaya are not only at risk of miscarriage, it is also not good for fetal growth, so pregnant mothers should not eat this food.

Animal liver pregnant mother should not eat

Uncooked eggs

Many people often have the habit of hatching raw eggs, eating bare eggs, and digging eggs when pregnant because they think it will be more nutritious. The baby after birth will be more rosy. But this is completely wrong, you should temporarily stop eating the omelette, your favorite peach. Because the composition of raw eggs can also contain salmonella bacteria that are dangerous to the development of the fetus.

Unpasteurized fresh milk

UHT milk is the recommended product for pregnant women, but unpasteurized fresh milk can contain harmful bacteria and pathogens that endanger the health of the mother and fetus. So, pregnant mother should not be foolish but try to drink this milk.



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