6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin

When pregnant, the increase of hormones will cause a lot of parts on the body to her mother elected to change the deteriorating trend. So, they need special care to not affected in terms of aesthetics as well as health.

Here are 4 important parts to note when pregnant:

The chest

Due to the increase of hormones in the body during pregnancy, a woman's chest will have many changes, such as ti's nipples will beco6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin darker. To about the third month, start chest bigger and so6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinti6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkins touching, pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn will feel pain.

In order not to affect the quality of the milk as well as avoid the diseases related to the chest as the milk gland inflammation, milk duct clogged or more severe blood loss, breast abscess is ... the parents elected to not be allowed to ignore the chest hygiene. Use warm water and wipe gently washed, carefully, absolutely do not swipe or rub the top of the chest to avoid uterine contractions.

Pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn need to choose the type of shirt lifting chest soft, high elasticity to not cause pinched nipples. 

Pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn need to choose the type of shirt lifting chest soft, high elasticity to not cause pinched nipples. Do not apply the cream on top of the chest because that will affect the quality of the milk.

The sealed

When pregnant, along with the transformation of storage, the amount of the hormone estrogen and progesterone increase many ti6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkins cause vaginal secretion, leading to frequent wet condition in enclosed areas of pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn. This physiological pheno6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinnon is absolutely normal and future mothers need not be too worried when his body beco6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkins so.

However, if you don't mind the toilet properly closed during 9 months pregnant period then the parents elect will have the risk of gynecological inflammation disease risk.

Therefore, to have an abortion is exceedingly healthy and make sure not to be inflammatory, pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn need to keep the sealed always clean. Today, the sealed must be clean gently with clean water, limited used a restroom or shower too sensitive.

If used daily hygiene during pregnancy period will affect the pH of the vagina and increases the risk of causing infections in this Depart6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinnt.

To help make the region sealed dry airy and clean, always the parents elected to note should not too long ago and the Turkish bath absolutely should not be soaking in the water is not clean. After going to the bathroom, should note the cleaning and wipe dry, absolutely should not douche because this can cause the injury, uterine hemorrhage.

The armpit

During pregnancy, the body has the changes, in which the laureate pituitary secretes 6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinlamine reduces skin pig6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinntation. This situation makes the armpit beco6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin darker, especially in sum6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinr. However, this will disappear after childbirth.

For armpit, I elected not to use the water too hot to avoid damage, use warm water and use a little SOAP to clean the area of the body.

Proper hygiene, especially in the sensitive region of the body help pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn always clean and healthy to avoid the pheno6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinnon of inflammation, limit these complications later on.


Photo description.

The navel is parts are very important during pregnancy because it is in direct connection with the baby in the belly. For the navel, her mother elected can swab dipped in clean water and wipe gently wash, do not rub to avoid injury and infection. In the last months of pregnancy, umbilical region of pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn will gradually and elected mother out knob does not need to worry about this, just keeping the toilet properly to umbilicus are always clean and unscathed.


During pregnancy, wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn are very easy to see the remains of such oral dental bleeding, swelling. If you encounter problems that you should co6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin to the Center for dental examination. The advice of a doctor is to prevent dental disease risk when elected, before pregnancy, sisters need to go get the Tartar and learn how dental hygiene clean.

Every day my sister need brushing enough 2 ti6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkins and dilute salt water mouthwash before bed to prevent bacterial growth.

Parents should know that dental disease during pregnancy is very dangerous because it may cause premature birth sister so need special attention.

The backs

According to the survey, from 1/2 to 3/4 the number of pregnant wo6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinn suffer from back pain, and 1/3 of the remaining serious back pain syndro6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin. The cause is because of preparation for the 10-day pregnancy and the birth of a little creatures, the other parts of the body have to share nutrients with belly, which, in the region of his back to san. sharing

To overco6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin or reduce the disease in his back during the pregnancy, she voted so hard practice gentle exercise. Each ti6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkin standing up, sitting down, should be done slowly, keep a straight posture, two shoulders keep by. When pain, do not abuse the drugs or hot oil which should be treated by the way hot or cold equip6 the sensitive parts need special care when elected to the pumpkinnt.=



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