7 nutrients best help women get pregnant, mothers are expecting babies to know

1. Foods containing folic acid

Pregnant women need to take folic acid. This is something everyone knows. However, if you are planning to have a baby, adding folic acid to your daily diet is essential. This nutrient has the ability to increase reproduction and prevent fetal malformations.

Women need about 400mcg of folic acid every day to help prevent birth defects in the fetus, typically neural tube defects such as neck spina bifida.

Foods rich in folic acid like broccoli, beets, asparagus, spinach, etc.

In addition to daily folic acid supplementation, women can take folic acid supplements as instructed by experts.

2. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 helps reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the uterus.

Omega 3 helps promote conception process faster. This nutrient also helps prevent early miscarriage for pregnant women and is very good for fetal development.

Some foods rich in omega 3 do not miss: olive oil, flaxseed, fish oil, sunflower oil, salmon, walnuts, avocado .

3. Foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is a good nutrient for both men and women. This vitamin will increase the quality of uterine mucus in women. This will increase the chance of fertilized eggs and implant into the uterus.

In addition, vitamin E also helps increase the life of sperm when it has entered the female genital tract.

Foods rich in vitamin E: sunflower oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil, nuts, broccoli, spinach.

4. Foods rich in vitamin D

Similar to vitamin E, vitamin D is good for both sexes. Vitamin D increases the chances of pregnancy by increasing estrogen and progesterone levels in the female body. This food is also very beneficial for male sperm, shortening the time to expect a child of couples.

Foods rich in vitamin D include: beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, and salmon.

5. Vitamin B6-rich foods

Vitamin B6 helps balance hormones in women. The amount of hormone produced by the body at a stable level will help the ovaries function well, the time of ovulation is favorable. Thereby increasing the ability to conceive in women.

Vitamin B6 is abundant in cereals.

6. Foods containing vitamin C

Vitamin C helps female sex hormones and increases the fertility of women with low progesterone levels.

In addition, vitamin C also helps strengthen the mother's resistance.

Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, broccoli, blueberries, tomatoes, etc.

7. Foods rich in oxidants

Antioxidants like folate and zinc can improve fertility for both men and women.

It reduces the activity of free radicals in the body that damage egg and sperm cells. A study conducted with 60 couples undergoing in vitro fertilization showed that the addition of antioxidants led to a 23% higher chance of conception.

Another study for young, mature men showed that eating 75 grams of walnuts (antioxidant-rich foods) improves sperm quality every day.

Foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals . These are full of beneficial body antioxidants like vitamins C and E, folate, beta-carotene and lutein.



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