7 the disease during pregnancy common sister

1. The flu

One of the pregnant women or suffer disease is flu. The flu is a respiratory infection, caused by viruses. The flu is very contagious from person to person, especially for pregnant women because when pregnant, the woman's resistance.

During pregnancy, the immune system of a poor woman who travels a lot so the virus causing the disease are more likely to "attack". Those body sensitive location is available, just a small impact can also lead to illness, especially infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria.

Pregnant women flu can cause some risk for the fetus, especially in the early months of pregnancy. When the mother infected with swine flu, the consequences can increase the likelihood of miscarriage, stillbirths or premature birth in the last months of pregnancy or lead to slight defects in the fetus, such as cleft palates.

To prevent the flu during pregnancy, pregnant women need to adhere to full nutrition, good spirits, should not be exposed to the environment at risk of influenza infection. Absolutely not be arbitrarily used the drug when the expression of influenza should be doctors and specifically indicated. Women who plan to have children should inject vaccines flu defense before getting pregnant 3 months to 1 year.

2. Constipation

More than 50% of pregnant women often have trouble with bowel problems, mainly constipation. During pregnancy, the little sister, moreover, progesteron hormone concentrations in the blood increases peristalsis, reduce thai development cause pinched the colon causing slow movement.

The nutritious substances, drugs and iron-containing foods often cause for the body. Here also is the cause of constipation in her vote.

When constipation, many pregnant women susceptible to inhibition, feeling fatigue, irritability, aggression, or even anorexia, depletion of spiritual health ... this if can make the body stretching her mother missing nutrients, the fetus was not fully nourished, leading to developmental delay with the disabled After the birth, there will be less resistance.

Moreover, survive in the digestive tract that contains many of the toxic waste, when not being excreted out can invade back through the gastrointestinal tract cause unintended poisoning for both mother and fetus.

To prevent disease Apple bunch, during pregnancy, pregnant women should eat more fibre, drink more water, eat more fruits.

3. Bleeding Gums

Pregnancy causes your resistance is decreasing, the gums will soft and very vulnerable. Its symptoms are usually a red swelling caused by tartar buildup in the legs causing tooth aches, manifesting through the oral diseases like periodontal inflammation, bleeding tooth ...

To avoid this situation, she voted so flossing and brushing thoroughly after eating. Should go to the dentist for advice, added some necessary nutrients beneficial for the teeth. Of particular note is the thing you are not x-ray or anesthesia.

4. Proof of shortness of breath

At the end of pregnancy, when the fetus pressure put on the diaphragm then your shortness of breath is completely normal. About a month before the birth, the shortness of breath which will decrease go pretty much. However you also need to pay attention to the amount of blood in his body because of the lack of blood is also one of the causes of the above symptoms.

At this time, you should take the time to rest as much as possible. When breathing, sitting movements ahead of hổm and deep breathing, slowly. Added a pillow when sleeping for easy breathing.

5. Cramps

This is muscle spasm symptoms makes you very sore, usually happens in banana legs and feet, especially at night. Start the pain by simple stretching legs symptoms off and the toe quắp down. According to research, the disease occurs in pregnant women is often caused by lack of body calcium.

Gently massage the calves and feet suffered shrinkage will help her vote is feeling more comfortable, then take a look a round to better blood circulation. Doctor to doctor more calcium and vitamin D supplements.

6. Diabetes mellitus rắt

The phenomenon of rắt diabetes mellitus (usually at night) is easy to meet the new sister's pregnancy within the first 3 months of pregnancy. Actually this is not a disease that is only the physiological phenomena of the novices have conceived of the first trimester. When pregnant, the uterus to fade up, hold him directly into the back of the bladder causing the irritation caused pregnant women always feel minor mót and creates bad rắt diabetes mellitus.

Tips for parents at this election is should drink some water before going to bed. Should not be too worried because normally after three months onwards, the uterus to grow up beyond the kindness the pelvis and not directly into the bladder more, at that this phenomenon will cease.

However, when the pregnancy came last month, on the day of birth, fetal head drop due to low down on the bladder, then rắt diabetes mellitus status may appear. If this phenomenon extends then please think of urinary tract infections.

7. Hemorrhoids

Eating less fiber, less drinking, less active when the pregnancy is the cause indirectly leads to hemorrhoids in her vote. The Department of it is indirectly because the routines on the easy-to-make she elected to constipation. And constipation long on causes that can cause hemorrhoids.

In addition, from time to time, the fetus grows will cause veins in the pelvic floor and perineal pregnant women pinched is the cause of formation of hemorrhoids.

Some people have hemorrhoids available but in the form of hidden (inside) will be vulnerable to exposing hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after birth. Other forms of the disease during pregnancy or after birth. This phenomenon is not rare because, when born, uterine condition open to pressure, increased pelvic cavity, hematoma swelling edema vein in the anus or the push b. increases pressure on the abdomen, also cause hemorrhoid easy bun sa.

Room hemorrhoids when pregnant is not too difficult. When pregnant, pregnant women should incorporate rational nutrition with regular exercise. The fitness posture is selected to ensure how the fetus does not hold down the lower part of the body.

When pregnant, as pregnant women should drink more water, eat more foods high in fiber such as vegetables. Limit heat hot foods, should not eat more salt, sugar. Especially do not use feed containing stimulants.=



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