After birth, a woman should and should not eat?

After the births, although students often or caesarean , then the parent body was also very weak coffee maker should be suppleAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?nt for quick recovery. Furthermore, the science diet, adequate nutrition is also very important to ensure the source of milk for children tu ti and milk are missing.

Here's the food my mother should and should not eat after birth:

Food should be eaten


Postpartum woAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?n should eat foods that contain lots of protein such as lean After birth, a woman should and should not eat?at, beef, fish, eggs, milk ...

Postpartum woAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?n should eat foods that contain lots of protein such as lean After birth, a woman should and should not eat?at, beef, fish, eggs, milk ... to his mother quickly restore health and body getting enough energy to produce milk.

Green vegetables

The mother should eat more vegetables, fruits to enhance the amount of vitamins and minerals for the body. Choose the types of vegetables have laxative properties to prevent constipation for mother and baby vegetables such as sweet potato, basella, papaya, bananas, oranges, grapefruit.

Drink lots of water

Note to drink plenty of water daily (2-3 liters) because water is the main components that make up the milk to breastfeed. Can drink filtered water, milk, fruit juice.

Food should not be eaten


Onions and garlic also tends to be a source of trouble for mothers who are breastfeeding. Onions and garlic have a significant influence on the taste of breast milk. And baby can quit sucking my mother just because the flavors. The flavor of garlic can reduce away after cooking, but the two remains spices can make baby felt stomach discomfort.

Many food grease

The grease can also cause problems with the breast milk and cause stomach irritation.

Many fat food such as potato chips and fried dishes are listed on the list of dishes is not good for mothers who are breastfeeding, because this food high calorie but few nutrients. The grease can also cause problems with the breast milk and cause stomach irritation.

Beverages containing caffeine

A little caffeine is okay, but too much caffeine in milk may make the baby irritable and hard to sleep.


You will notice that the child will suffer from bloating, abdominal pain and sexual harassAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?nt than usual when the baby's abdominal discomfort. These signs can occur when you eat chocolate. If so then best, parents should exclude this irritating food in his diet. SoAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat? woAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?n find that drinking hot cocoa or chocolate would be better instead of the anthem is eating the stuff related to chocolate

Alcoholic beverages

If you are in a situation that will want to drink a little wine, you need to make sure that you have the reserves available for baby milk out, by you will not be able to breastfeed again after two hours after you stop drinking.

5 principles of eating mother after birth to reAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?mber

1. a balanced diet

A balanced diet and adequate nourishAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?nt to the mother after birth is essential. Every day my mother can feed from 1-2 chicken eggs, may then increase more white After birth, a woman should and should not eat?ats such as chicken, fish, shrimp, ... vegetables.

Wedge-wedge taste, should not be too salty or too pale.

2. Don't forget the salt

Parents should not eat processed foods available and have high concentrations. After childbirth, the uterus will shrink create intense pain, this affects the secretion of the hormone of the adrenal hormone, regulates the exchange of salt-water.

So, to reduce pressure on the adrenal glands, after birth the mother is not eating too much salt in order not to adversely affect the process of the exchange of water after this.

3. extensive varied After birth, a woman should and should not eat?nu

In addition to After birth, a woman should and should not eat?ats, fish, chicken, shrimp, parents should choose foods with mild, soft, easy to swallow and non-irritating. For example, mom can use vegetables like carrots, lettuce, cauliflower, amaranth and fruits like apples, grapes ... all very good.

4. Do not forget to water

All biochemical reactions in the body that I have to be dissolved in a water environAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?nt, including getting wiped out the excess waste.

Thus, after having to ensure the daily water intake of the mother, and are useful for taking more milk.

5. ReAfter birth, a woman should and should not eat?mber the oral hygiene after eating

After eating, the mother should be brushing to reduce the risk of the diseases related to the oral cavity, and also help cool breath when your child closer. Besides, inflammation of oral cavity in this period is a common cause of postpartum infection caused should the parents should not see often.=



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