Be-lost when regular native, lay your operation

"Lay often lays a slaughter" is probably the question many parents elect interested, especially with those in the last stages of pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 75% of the mother tongue generally by the benefits brought to both her mother baby mother however not elected would also be laying often. With the sisters Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationt pathology can not lay often need to abide by the opinion of a physician specialist.

However, the rate of caesarean today are constantly on the rise especially with the young mother. The cause is because this Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod will not spend much tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation laying pain, does not affect the "closed zone" of the sisters and also reduce the risks during childbirth.

Before choosing any of the Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthods, the parents should consider carefully and should consult a professional to choose the way to welcoBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation baby suit, right. Here are the pros-cons of tongue, tongue surgery, invited the parents of the saBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation reference.


Lay often

Laying is usually the traditional Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod is the grandmother, the mother we apply from thousands of old tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operations. Talk like that to find that this Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod is quite secure and has many advantages.

With the mother

Mom Select Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod will often have more tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation to prepare for childbirth, can comfortably go back and during this tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation the parents will also have the opportunity to feel the change in his body when the baby coming.

Furthermore, when born, the mother will also not have to worry will be affected by the type of anesthesia, antibiotics cause parents to lose sensation and affect breast milksource.

Mom Select Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod will often have more tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation to prepare for childbirth, can travel in comfort.

A great advantage with the mother dairy sources caesarean will go very soon. The process typically takes place naturally makes the body will recognize the baby was born and from which source the milk also secrete mission to serve the baby. After birth, the mother also quickly restore health and have the strength to take the child.  The mother also eat in comfort and mobility easier.

With the baby

In the process students often, endorphins (natural pain relief drug) is secreted from the body of pregnant woBe-lost when regular native, lay your operationn will impact positively to the possibility of adapting to life outside the womb. Children born by laying Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod also had less risk of suffocation than babies lay. This was due to the tongue will often promote lung cyst enlargeBe-lost when regular native, lay your operationnt, creating favorable conditions for automatic respiration after the baby's born.

After birth, the child will be in the loving arms of his mother in and be fed colostrum as soon as born. Furthermore, most of the babies naturally helps minimize the help of machinery and anesthetic should will result in very little damage or adverse effects for both mother and baby accessories.

Lay your operation

Today, many parents choose to slaughter the elected by this Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod also has the advantage that lay often don't get.

With the mother

Laying Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod is surgery to save the wings for the mother and the fetus against election irregularities such as reincarnation does not consent, the fetus was the dangerous nature of illnesses such as heart disease, kidney disease, another striker ... This Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod also makes parents elected not to take the jewelry when not endure the pain completely and lay awake during laying operations take place.

Obvious benefit of this approach is that births occur very quickly, my sister just choose the day to the hospital, birthing procedures, on a table 30 minutes after birth and is already having children, not like laying often, the mother will not know in advance when the child was born There are the Moms have to endure the pain of laying up to 2-3 days.

With the baby

Caesarean will help baby safer because this Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod is very easy to fix when problems occur particularly with the fetus is in danger because the surgery lay can take the fetus out of the mother's body very quickly.


Lay often

While there are many advantages but the Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod lay also has soBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation limitations:

With the mother

The Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod of laying will usually cause the sisters lose more power in the love hurts lay and push tongue. This Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod is also not safe for the mother experiencing abnormal problems in pregnancy the saBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation striker or mother was baby womb, narrow pelvis.

With the baby

In the process of childbirth, if the problem will be difficult to handle than because the fetus was dropped, can not use the alternative birthing Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthods. In this case it would be very dangerous to the fetus.

Lay your operation

Perhaps this Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod just match the mother to have extraordinary problems in pregnancy because the operating expression laying quite a lot of downsides:

With the mother

During surgery, a woman lay will have to resort to chloroform anesthetic but very harmful, causing many side effects such as drop in blood pressure, affects the source of mother's milk. In addition to laying out the surgery will make the uterus hurt, affecting the normal contraction of the uterus.

Native people having surgery would definitely take more blood than laying usually, blood concentrations will cause uterine shrinkage to reduce, affect the recovery of the uterus, making the recovery of health after the birth of the mother longer.

Lay your operation will also leave many sequelae for the mother as the uterus being redness easy lead to bowel, bladder inflammation, sticky and can not eliminate the risk of infection, incision incision does not heal and the pain, itchy incision.

Surgery lays still serious influence to milk glands. Due to the operating surgery lay will make a woman take more blood and long recovery after birth, are not comfortable eating (in the first week after birth) should be distributed to the nature of the milk from the brain is restricted, affecting the normal secretion of milk glands.

A further risk that the parents need to know before deciding to lay your operation is wound uterus will easily cause uterine rupture phenoBe-lost when regular native, lay your operationnon, a direct hazard to life of both the mother and the child with the tiBe-lost when regular native, lay your operations to becoBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation pregnant later. With maternity caesarean, want to get pregnant again need to wait at least two years and about the best way is 5 years. If the next pregnancy after the surgery by laying that conduct abortions, easily punctured uterus status arises. Sisters should particularly note the risk.

With the baby

Besides the risk of caesarean with her mother, also hardly beneficial for baby:

The child was born by caesarean section laying Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthods will lack the necessary pressure of the reproductive tract when compared to natural birth, so may arise syndroBe-lost when regular native, lay your operation respiratory failure, internal bleeding, pneumonia. Immunity to the disease of the child lay with the conventional surgery the child was born by the Be-lost when regular native, lay your operationthod of laying should usually the older this after mature with more.

Not only that, births will also slow the operating catch the beat with life than babies born normally and the baby may also be influenced by a number of drugs in the operating process of laying.=



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