Can pregnant women eat toad and when to eat should be noted?

Nutritional value of toads

Toad fruits with a sour taste, rich in fiber and protein have many health benefits. In the toad contains many vitamins and minerals, the composition of toad meat includes: glucid 8% -10.5%; protein 0.5% - 0.8%; lipid 0.3% - 1.8%; cellulose 0.9% - 3.6%; ash 0.4% - 0.7%; acid 0.4% - 0.8%. Thus, the toad has the ability to stimulate digestion, making it more palatable.

The toad contains a lot of ascorbic acid, in 100g of toad meat has up to 42g of ascorbic acid which has the effect of increasing the resistance for people who have the flu.

According to Oriental medicine, the use of toad has a cooling effect, detoxification, refreshment, and the spleen.

The toad is also a fruit with lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the powerful antioxidants, which can protect the body against damaging free radicals. From there, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Besides, vitamin C also supports collagen synthesis, absorption of iron and protein to form connective tissues, helping to strengthen the body's resistance and heal your wounds.

For people with type II diabetes, eating toad fruits helps lower blood sugar levels. People can prepare by separating toad pulp, leaving seeds, chopped or dried, ground into fine powder and drink daily. Store this powder in a dry place without getting moldy.

In 100g, toad will provide about 3.2 mg of iron, 32mg of calcium, meet 18% of the iron and 3% of the body's calcium each day. Iron is essential for oxygen transport and the creation of blood cells in the body.

Thanks to these nutritional values, many nutritionists often recommend that pregnant women should eat toad during pregnancy to have abundant absorption of iron content that is beneficial for pregnancy, enhance resistance, stimulate digestion. chemical .

In addition, women with sore throat, headache should chew toad puree with a little salt, then swallow gradually certain conditions will be significantly improved.

Pregnant women eat toad fruits to note what?

Sour ones, such as toads, usually contain large amounts of acid. They can cause an excess of stomach acid to eat. This will adversely affect the digestive system, leading to severe stomach ulcers and possibly stomach cancer.

Therefore, pregnant women should not eat too many toads. The recommended dosage when using this food for pregnant women is 300gr a day. For pregnant women with frequent or history of stomach pain, duodenum, peptic ulcer and diseases related to the digestive system should limit eating sour fruits like toads.

Ripe toad will be more beneficial for pregnant women. Eating cooked toad will help to prevent tooth sensitivity, easy digestion and reduce stomach problems.



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