Development of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the womb

In the weeks after conception, your baby begins to form from an embryo with three separate layers: the endoderm, DevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombsoderm, and Foreign Affairs. All are forDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombd in the first three weeks of pregnancy. The DermIS is the main exception would later grow into the skin, hair and nails of babies.


The skin-the largest organ of your body begin to form from 5 – 8 week of pregnancy. At this point, the baby's dermal portion only consists of two layers of cells is the basis (the inner layer of cells) and cells of chu (outer layer of the cell). Fur began to grow imDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombdiately after the skin is forDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombd with the hairs and small pieces after just 8 weeks.

When you becoDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the womb pregnant are about 8-9 weeks, stratified epidermis begins to develop into a new class of interDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombdiate cells. This cell layer in the middle layer of the cell cycle the cells and packs, this is where the hair follicle, the hair of the baby appears. In the next week, epidermal stratification is becoming clearer. When was 4 months, all the epidermis has grown and looked like with the skin of adults.

When your pregnancy is about 8-9 weeks, stratified epidermis begins to develop into a new class of interDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombdiate cells.


Before the baby's hair actually grows, fingernails and toenails of the baby start forming in about week 11 and 12. To about week 34, nail and pedicure of your baby has grown.

Feathers, hair

From week 14 or 15, the small hairs begin to grow through the skin, forming the foot of hair very soon. During pregnancy, the baby's hair went through 2 cycles of fall and rise again. Your baby's eyebrows and eyelashes grow later, around the 22nd week.

Interesting fact: the baby's brain develops very fast and fragile baby's scalp to dilate in response to the developDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the brain. Even before the hair grows up, scalp dilation also caused the reverse head swirling clockwise. More than half the cases the baby's head are swirling towards the left. This is probably due to the half-left brain right brain slightly larger than usually.


Hair regrowth process occurs repeatedly on the head. In week 14, baby head covered by a layer of fuzz head to keep warm. Fuzz also grows all over the baby like a body warDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombr jacket. But until week 30, will fall off that fuzz layer.

In week 14, baby head covered by a layer of fuzz head to keep warm.

Grease wax (vernix caseosa)

To the 19th week, babies have thin skin and are covered with greased wax. It is a white mucus is made from skin cells flaking off and sliDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the womb from the sebaceous glands. The type of fat, this wax help protect baby skin in water fluid. Without it, at birth your baby will look more wrinkled.

To week 34, waxy fat layer protects the skin to thicken and lose in 2 weeks later. At this point, the wax fat clinging to the hairs out of the baby's skin bubbles into the water fluid. In the womb, your baby really has swallowed amniotic water waste in the skin and waste that is part create partition su of the baby when babies go shit the first tiDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the womb.

Skin color

In the last weeks of pregnancy, your baby is still very little wax on body fat should look white, baby skin cleaner. But to about 32 weeks, the baby has dark skin color than purple/red due to circulatory systems begin to adjust to prepare out new Habitat. It takes months, even 6 months after birth, babies can have back normal white complexion.

Hair color, thickness and hairstyle

When fetalultrasound, you could not clearly see the hair color, the thickness and the baby's hair styling. The hair is pigDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnted and bright white in color when baby still in the womb. When new students are about 8-12 weeks of age, your baby's hair will undergo several stages of developDevelopDevelopment of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt of the skin, hair and nails of babies in the wombnt. From 3-6 months of age is the period of the child instead of hair, fur and grows the fastest. But you will have to wait until the child is 2 years old then known color, thickness and hairstyle of your child.=



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