Discover the fruits good for extreme motherhood elected

1. The Apple

In the Apple contains vitamins and minerals such as: maclic acid, tannins ... so eat more apples can keep the shape for you when pregnant, avoid overweight, obesity. At the same time help the fetus has good resistance from within the womb. In addition, Apples contain the necessary components for the development of bones, the teeth of the fetus and help pregnant women to prevent osteoporosis.

2. Thanh long

Long bar is dark blue fruits when ripe, fresh red, white or red bowel. This is the common fruit type in summer in Vietnam. According to Oriental medicine, Dragon fruit has a sweet taste, tart, cool, effects , profit was deposed, very good for my mom. Dragon fruit is also rarely used to pesticides by thick crust so I elect can comfortably indulge without worry of being affected by the harmful drugs.

3. roi Results

Results of roi is fruit has the effect of reducing the heat of the summer and help you relieve thirst on hot so it's beneficial for pregnant women. She can also elect to use the fruit to juice drink daily. Cane is easy to plant and easy to park your results should people often less use of pesticides. So it's completely safe with her vote.

4. Grape

Vitamin A and flavonol compounds in the grape has developed Visual effects for your baby right from when you were lying in the womb. The grape very much vitamin B, has the effect of controlling the metabolic rate in pregnant women. Folate is found in grapes is important with the pregnancy because it helps to avoid neural tube defects to the baby. Potassium and sodium in grape juice stimulates the development of the nervous system to the fetus. Phosphorus in the grapes also help improve the gene in the fetus because phosphorus is a component of nucleic acids. Magnesium in grapes also help decrease cramping her vote.

5. Cam

Not only rich in vitamin C-helps increase resistance to parents vote, orange juice is also abundant folic acid and potassium – prevention of birth defects to fetus and help produce healthy blood cells. In particular the parents elected to suffer high blood pressure then the fresh orange juice is the number one choice. However his mother elected would suffer from digestive disorders should not eat more oranges.

Parents elected to use fresh oranges, squeezed drinking water and do not need more sugar. Parents should avoid drinking gourd the canned orange juices as they are blending more sugar chemistry. Moreover, in the process of transportation, preservation, some fruit juice box can prevent you from being infested colic, diarrhea ... If the use would not be good for both the mother and the fetus is elected.

6. ripe papaya

Ripe papaya is good for the digestive system and beauty of mother elected because of contained more antioxidants. In addition to vitamins A, C, ripe papaya also offers more folate (the main raw materials to prevent fetal deformities) and hosting an enzyme that helps promote the digestive process.

Ripe papaya but plentiful nutrients beneficial, good for the health of her mother elected but is a kind of food that contains very little amount of calories should eat when I vote on the supplemental still be the necessary vitamins and minerals but does not cause rapid weight gain, obesity. In 100 g ripe papaya contains only about 32 kcal, so his mother elected would fast on weight are afraid to choose ripe papaya for a menu of daily nutrition.

Ripe papaya contains a lot of vitamin C, not only helped parents elected to have healthy eyes, promote good immune system that helps fight inflammation and joint pain are very uncomfortable or occu.

That summer, his mother elected can do eat papaya smoothies cool medium back nutritious without being bored.

7. Mango

Eat the mango is helping she elected to have a healthy immune system. A small cup of mango meat has more than 100kalo. Most of the energy of the mango is due to the high natural sugar content. In addition to the sweetness of ripe mangoes, subdued mother elected will receive 3 g of fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C in each piece of mango.

8. Watermelon

Types of results are not difficult to buy, cheap, kiwifruit, detoxification, diuretic. If eaten regularly, watermelon can help increase excretion, the water body from which the goals except the swelling edema legs for my mother.

In the early period of pregnancy, watermelon can help the parents elected to relieve tired, queasy feeling kind of sickness. In the last days of pregnancy, she elected often tired with edema and increased blood pressure higher than normal. Eating Watermelon will parents vote diuretic, reducing edema, decreased blood pressure, regaining equilibrium in the body.

The doctor said that nutrition, parents can elect to eat watermelon, especially in the sultry summer day, but should not be eaten chilled watermelon as easy to make parents elected colic and diarrhea.

9. Pomelo

Sour pomelo, sweet cool, non toxic, in addition to the cooling effect, the phlegm ... can cure symptoms salivation and non stop food cravings of pregnant women.

To choose to be succulent, juicy grapefruit, the parents need to pay attention to the external sheath: leather balls, spikes and bloom, left round and when holding up to heavy handed. Many people do not notice the grapefruit rind, but thorns on pitches that are signs that help you get to know that the old grapefruit or immature fruit, grapefruit, the old pitches thorns on the casing.

10. Le

Chile is having computer cool, slightly acidic sweetness, helped elect the lower pressure, cooling, diuretic, pulmonary, profit Center bar, phlegm, refreshments. Also, during pregnancy, women often suffer from edema of the face and limbs, symptoms of high blood pressure, eating pears will often fix the situation for you.

11. Purple mangosteen

Mangosteen fruit is extremely nutritious, good for parents to vote. As such, it was dubbed the "Queen of fruits. These are snacks which I elected not to be missed.

Select mangosteen should select the left stalk green, dark purple, left hand rubbing the soft, sweet fruit is found, the shell is thin and thick-fleshed. The left hard shell, pale purple, stem-intensive or wilt is already so long, will not juicy.

12. Butter

Avocado rich in potassium, which helps the fetus! big, strong muscles, improving the nervous system (butter rich in folate than other fruits). Besides, vitamin B6 in avocado also minimize the nausea for pregnant women. Vitamin B6 also helps parents elected to strengthen the immune system, boost your metabolism, red blood production support.=



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