Essential oil treatments safe during the secret vote

1. Parents elect should avoid using any essential oil in the first three months of pregnancy

This is your beloved baby phase has not yet fully developed which are in the stage of formation of the Agency. So at best, the mother should avoid the type of scent in this first trimester to safe for baby.

2. There are some essential oils that are contraindicated when pregnant

The reason is because they can cause clotting disorders or increase shrinkage as: Basil, cedar, Cypress, cinnamon, clove, jasmine, lemon grass, cumin, Rosemary, sweet Marjoram, thyme, jasmine, Rosemary. Peppermint essential oil will limit the production of milk if used during the last month.

3. Need to dilute essential oils before using

When using essential oils, the parents should remember not to use directly the essential oil concentrate or overdose. Pure natural essential oils must be diluted before use with a concentration of about 2% (for 10 drops essential oil mixed with 2 spoons of oil in the background). If the inclusion into the bath, then into the water about 6-10 drops. Bath with essential oils will help the parents elected to relax the pelvis and avoid significant blemishes.

When you want to apply, you can mix 3-6 drops of oil into a bowl of warm water and towel absorbent to apply. The essential oil bath, then you can do so simply by roughly 5-6 drops of oil into a bowl of warm water, then relax and breathe deeply the scent in the air.

4. The benefits of essential oils with strenuous period of pregnancy, the mother elected should know

During pregnancy, the mother elected often feel pain due to tendon of the joints were dilated. Some essential oils have the effect of relieving pain, should help parents vote more comfortable in this heavy period. In addition, natural essential oil therapy through massage will stimulate sexual ability, some types have the ability to fight infection.

5. Essential oil helps heals his mother elected

-Cure indigestion: use 3-5 drops of ginger or fennel DAB up the belly or the soles of the feet.

-Cure heartburn: take 2 drops Peppermint on the glass of milk or add 3 drops of peppermint oil in a cup of water and drink throughout the day.

-Sickness: massage essential oil of lavender, sandalwood or ginger combined with coconut oil onto the abdomen. If available Mint essential oil, you can use this oil rubbed under the tongue, or DAB up the belly, rubbing in soles. You can also use 3 drops of essential grapefruit oil or peppermint on a diffuser next to the bed, the scent will help you lose significant nausea.

-Back pain: for 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil in a warm bath and then relax. Remember this avoid essential oil is used in the first three months of pregnancy because it can stimulate contractions.

-Edema and water retention: use 3-5 drops of essential oil of grapefruit or lemon into the cup of water and drink.

-Antidepressant, aphrodisiac: massage essential oils n West will have the effect of autoclaving, antidepressant, aphrodisiac and sedative for women during the secret vote. .=



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