Every day a cheap tuber helps pregnant mothers treat morning sickness, beautiful skin, why not try

Good for bones and teeth

The nutritive composition of legumes is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are essential for effective fetal and fetal bone development. Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women eat lots of jicama will avoid the risk of osteoporosis and dental diseases effectively.

Curing morning sickness

According to nutrition experts, more than 90% of the tubers are water; 4.51% glucose; 2.4% of starch should be very beneficial for pregnant women who get morning sickness in the first months of pregnancy. When pregnant women feel pale mouth, nausea can eat this kind of bulb, surely you will not blame that can still provide starch into the body to reduce discomfort.

Jicama is good for digestive system

Good for the digestive system

In the nutritional composition of tubers is one of the tubers with high fiber content, very good for the mother's digestive system. When pregnant women eat jicama regularly, they will reduce the risk of having common pregnancy symptoms such as constipation, hemorrhoids extremely effectively. In addition, this high-fiber bean root is also helpful in maintaining a stable weight during pregnancy without worrying about weight gain.

Rich in vitamin C

Bean is rich in vitamin C, which is good for strengthening the body's resistance against colds and runny nose when purchased. In addition, vitamin C is also helpful in helping teeth, bones and facial skin for pregnant women extremely effective. In addition, the tubers also work to reduce blood cholesterol levels, which makes pregnant women not have high cholesterol.

Mother buffalo eat iron beans

Iron supplements

The composition of jicama contains very high iron content. During pregnancy, women always need iron supplements to make red blood cells, prevent anemia extremely effectively helping pregnant women minimize dizziness, dizziness .



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