Guide the parents elect how to breathe and push effectively when born

The process of labor of parents elected

The first stage of the labour, the mounds of short, usually lasting about 10 to 15 seconds and the frequency of occurrence is usually about 10 minutes have a. coming as close at push students the co to the more overwhelming and lasts more than about 20-30 seconds. When the co becomes more often, 10 minutes more than 3 spells each uterine contraction, lasts about 30-40 seconds and maternity abdominal pain is intense at the baby coming. At the moment, the moment has come to.

If you do not use the method usually does not hurt, the mounds and the push to the very powerful, as a way to push your natural urge to push the baby out, naturally you will feel you have an energy source reserves urge you push. Some parents share that those at the "G" like this they feel the push would be better and easier is to "hold their push". Of course, by this time the push causing mót parents do instinctively push and push a hard way as if the mother feels the need to do that to children healthy.

His mother elected know how to breathe effectively will help children easily

If you use epidural anaesthesia, you will feel paralyzed. You will not need to push push baby out, so the combination of the will with your muscles will have a little bit more difficult to push lay effectively. You will have to rely on the orders of Commander, nurse midwife, or physician to help you focus effort push push baby. But you don't worry about that, most female students by the method of birth without pain (epidural anaesthesia) has come on laying a very effective and healthy child birth without the assistance of the assistance instruments such as forceps or vacuum ...

How to breathe and push childbirth

How to breathe:

In fact, at the shallow crossing, the parents feel very hurt so easy to fall into a State of tension. Against the pain by crying or name-calling just made my mother more stress, the cervix is not dilated more hard and good. The parents should breathe by the contraction of the uterus.

1. Breathe slowly, deeply

This breathing style used in the cervical opening stages under 3 cm. When the contraction of the uterus, parents start by deep breath, and then slow deep chest breathing (inhaling through your nose and then exhale slowly, breathing, mouth steadily) and ended with a clean breath when running out of the co. Proper breathing is when inhaled, the swelling belly when breathing out the abdomen falls. Breathing 6-9 beats for a severe contraction of the uterus about 50 seconds.

This is also a way of breathing exercises in yoga. After birth, the mother can also make the way of breathing oxygen into the body to help more. When the slow, deep breathing, the parents can make any posture would also be. The more the mother relax, breathe more efficiently. Parents should be lying or sitting would be better. Patient not breathing well because it will slow labor and restrict the circulation the placenta.

Deep breathing will alleviate the obstacles due to the uterine fundus height over the diaphragm and breathing were used during labour. Parents should focus on something that forget about the pain of uterine contraction. This focus point can be a character or a painting beautiful pictures, funny, easy to see.

2. fast, shallow Breathing

This breathing style used in the cervical opening period from 3 to 6 cm, the co was stronger, longer and thicker, with a frequency of about 3 minutes in a storm. When the uterine contraction, began with a deep breath, followed by chest breathing shallow. When the intensity of the contraction as high up as we breathe faster. Breathing slow down when the co descending and then do a clean breath when the contraction ends.

This breathing style usually makes the mouth dry quickly, so the parents should bring a water bottle filter. The woman should not practice breathing at home because will very quickly get tired.

Breathe and push science helps parents elected to undergo the pain easier

3. Breath blowing candles

When this way of breathing, you imagine yourself preparing to blow the candles, some people also call this breathing in line in line.

This breathing style used during the transitional period, when the cervix is open from 7 to 9 cm, the strong uterine contraction, distance between two severe contraction. At this time, a woman is often just want to push down and into thai star because the rectum. However, if push will be very dangerous because the cervix has not open completely. This breathing style helped relieve the pressure from the uterus to help parents avoid it come early.

When the contraction begins, breathe a breath of clean, shallow rapid breathing followed by 4 times and then blow once through the mouth, rapid shallow breathing again 4 times and then blow out. So for the remainder of the co and ended with a clean breath.

How to push:

When feeling hard mound and belly pain appeared at the same time you feel so wanted to push, urged straining and are Dr. lets you take inhaled a deep breath then hold their breath, mouth tightly shut. The standard position when the push that the doctor hints for healthy babies is: two tight knobs on two of the goals, two feet pedal heavily in two of the legs hanging pipe born, Chin, chest straight dorsal fin at the same time close to the surface of the table and butt curled up front to push slightly downwards pushing the fetus out.

Mother just push a slightly was the son born, mother to 3 new slightly successful. After the baby was born, remains how this strain but more gentle, mother will push the placenta out and complete the delivery.=



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