How to prevent flu when pregnant

The parents vote need to be very careful when using medications for flu, in case that's too heavy, forced to resort to medication should consult a physician before using any medicines. And before the use of drugs, the mother can apply some foods to improve the situation:

Use garlic treat flu

Garlic if used frequently have the effect of preventing and treating flu is very good. Unprocessed garlic have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and viruses. Many studies have shown that garlic can do accelerate rehabilitation after influenza and increased resistance. Garlic very safe with women are during the secret vote should garlic recommended in cases of flu in her vote. Should also note that garlic may increase the flow of blood should those who are using styptic need careful if want more garlic in the diet.

Use lemon juice

Lemon juice is effective in relieving sore throat irritation and reduce mucus. The parents can elect to drink a cup of warm water mixed half a lemon and honey.

Use table salt: salt is recommended in the case of Ms. elected flu because it is a great mouth and exposure to substances that can reduce coughs. The parents can elect to use warm water and add a little turmeric to enhance effective anti-inflammatory. Salt was mixed with warm water to wash your nose. The nasal wash regularly also helps treat sinus disease.

Cook chicken soup

Chicken soup can improve the diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Special chicken broth works in treating the symptoms of influenza causing asphyxia as the nose, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Amino acids in chicken contain many nutrients that help increase the body's resistance. So the chicken broth is very good for women who are pregnant in General and cases of flu in particular.

Prevent flu when pregnant

Avoid contact with people suffering from flu because she elected to have the highest risk of infection.

The habit of taking cover hands sneeze or cough, avoid touching the surface to limit the spread of bacteria from the hands over the body.

You should drink a minimum of 6-8 cups of water per day during pregnancy. Simple signs to identify the body lack water or not be distinguished through the color of urine: If yellow urine in, proves you have to drink enough water. If the urine darker, you need to add more water to drink. Water has the effect of "cattle washes" and purge the toxic in the body, increased resistance, help you to fight the disease.

Additional vegetables: dark green vegetables, yellow, red is very rich in vitamins and minerals that have the effect of strengthening health, increased resistance against diseases.

Eat yogurt: A few scientific studies prove that pregnant women on each team, eating a box of milk contains less fat will reduce the risk of 25%. The beneficial bacteria naturally in the yogurt helps to strengthen immune function and disease to the body.

Say no to alcoholic alcoholic beverages: "destroy" health pregnant women and fetus slowly. It makes the body in water and cause deterioration of the immune system.

Stay away from cigarette smoke, not drink alcoholic substances, active walking breathe in fresh air, and finally to devote more time to rest.=



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