I vote more pleasant when in the Agency

1. Reduce stress

To see more pleasant when working in the Office, the parents elected to try to limit the stress condition, should not to or to exasperation and concern spans affect the fetus. Parents can elect to use deep breathing exercises, yoga, exercises pulled muscles in place or simply come back in a short time to help the spirit becomes more comfortable.

2. Denial of overtime

If the place of parents elected are doing the required work hours or overtime I elected should deny. By the parent body elected will not be able to withstand a long working period and dense like that, especially with the heavy work of fitness.

3. put the feet up high

The case of the mother who is elected must often stand then please put the feet up high or round-the-move the muscles will help to reduce the match numb legs and good for the heart's circulatory. These activities will help to reduce the swelling edema elected mother of the foot and ankle, thus making her mother elected to feel more pleasant.

4. comfortable sitting posture

Sitting that long will negatively affect the spine, especially for my mother. When pregnant, the body weight of pregnancy on an increase to make parents elected to suffer a lot of pressure from the torso. Therefore, parents should choose to vote yourself a really comfortable sitting posture to help reduce the burden on the feet, help the vacuum being aches.

5. Choose comfortable dress

When at work, her mother elected to choose for themselves the clothes soft, pleasant and not so tight to the body.

His mother elected should also limit the heels by them will cause my mom hard when going back, affecting the blood circulation, causes easy fatigue, affect the development of the baby.

So, I elected to choose the shoes bệt, the software firm, can go back to a comfortable and safe way.

6. Rest when possible

If you feel that your body can not complete the next job I elected should not try, let's take the occasion reports sick to rest. Or parents can elect to rest, in place of 1, 2 or 15-minute snooze sneaks out lunch time to decrease fatigue.

7. Drink water frequently

Working pressure will cause the parents elected to feel stressed to forget to eat, forget to drink. Regular water supply for the body not only gives parents elect the opportunity to relax but also to help parents elected to restrict are common constipation phenomenon.

8. Create a blank period for extra meals

Despite working at the Agency but I vote also should not forget or abandon snacks. The addition of these snacks will help parents elected to prevent the rising blood sugar, bouts of sickness and feel energetic, more pleasant when continuing work.

9. Welcome the help

If the people in the company want to care, coddle her mother elected as a baby I should not vote burns. See it as an encouragement, empathy in colleagues and parents voted will feel comfortable, more pleasant when there are people who are always interested.=



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