Important ultrasonic milestones for pregnant women need to remember

Pregnancy ultrasound is performed periodically in different stages of pregnancy for the purpose of:

- Check the position and speed of fetal development.

- Check for fetal defects

- See if your baby is about to give birth if your pregnancy is overdue

- To check for abdominal problems such as an ectopic pregnancy, the baby is normal or reverse after week 38.

- To follow the fetus when doing special tests such as amniocentesis, fetal endoscopy, or support the technique of cesarean section.

Important ultrasonic landmarks

How does the 12-week fetus grow?

Week 10-12, the fetus has developed dramatically. Although the size of the baby is only about 3-5cm, it is half the size of the mother's hand, weighs more than 10 grams but the most important parts of the body are completed such as head, kidney, heart, liver .

The spine is well formed and the spinal neural tubes formed from the first weeks of pregnancy have begun to stretch from the marrow. Her first reflexes such as swallowing, kicking her legs, stretching her arms and legs, lying down and letting her hands down . are being used thoroughly by her to enrich the dull life in her womb.

What does a 12-week fetal ultrasound reveal?

Week 12 is the last week of early pregnancy, and the baby is ready for the first important test of life after officially appearing in the womb. 3D, 4D ultrasound techniques with vivid images, for images with depth and detail . will give mom extremely accurate parameters. And below are the parameters that my mother cares about:

Dullness of the neck

By using ultrasound ultrasound at a reasonable gestational age, the doctor will tell her how much the baby's skin is translucent. 12 weeks is the 'golden moment' to measure the blur behind the nape to examine abnormal signs of a dangerous chromosome leading to serious diseases such as down disease, cardiac deformity, limb, diaphragm hernia. .

The number is in millimeters, and the lower the better. The translucent space is more than 3mm thick, the fetal pathology will be up to 80% and the mother needs to be tested by ultrasound / other tests.

Triple test

Screening test to predict the risk of Dow and chromosomal deformities. Triple test is not valid for accurate diagnosis but only for risk prediction. If you consider a career with signs of a down or deformed fetus, the doctor will advise you to stop the pregnancy.

Probability greater than 1/250 is assessed as high risk. You have to test Triple test to write 1/300 meaning you have 1/300 risk of birth defects, and have 99.7% chance of having a normal baby. In this case, the mother will be assigned to amniocentesis for the final conclusion.

Non-stress visit

About 35-36 weeks, the doctor performed Doppler color ultrasound, to monitor umbilical arteries, brain arteries, uterine arteries, to check amniotic fluid, umbilical cord .

At this time, he will be born any time. Mom will check the health of mother and baby, find out if she has enough oxygen. Based on the ultrasound results, the doctor will predict your baby's weight, height, and head circumference measurements.

Through the 36th milestone, the visit is more common, to determine if the cervix is ​​already in place, ready for the crossing. You should check whether the cervix is ​​open or not, ready to welcome your baby.

The pregnancy ultrasound markers are very important, helping the therapist closely monitor the health of the fetus and the pregnant mother. Don't forget the timeline to watch!

Gestational age - birth date

Ultrasound at 12 weeks, the doctor will determine the age of the fetus by measuring the size of the fetus, with accuracy up to several days.

There have been many confirmed mothers, the estimated gestational age and the expected date of birth due to ultrasound is the most accurate number, more accurate than the expected birth date according to the mother's menstrual cycle.



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