My mother loves my children, let go of these dishes, so that I can develop malformations and brain atrophy

According to research by experts, the time when a new egg is fertilized from 3 to 8 weeks is the period when the baby is not stable in the womb and at the same time is also the most disruptive stage.

This is the stage when embryonic cells are dividing different organs and tissues so they are very sensitive to drugs, chemicals, radiation, environmental pollution, dirty food . If the mother continues to be pregnant. Right contact will likely cause fetal growth retardation, inadequate limbs, facial defects and many other malformations.

Here are the foods that pregnant women should limit to eat in the early stages of pregnancy so that their babies are safe:

The food tastes bitter

According to Oriental medicine, the bitter taste like bitter melon soup or bitter vegetable . is the reason why the mother's uterus worsens. They have the ability to dissect the placenta, expel the fetus, proliferate prematurely, causing miscarriage. These bitter substances also affect the nervous system of the fetus, causing the baby's brain to be born later. So any pregnant mother who has a taste for eating bitter foods temporarily changes her habits now.

Food is not cooked

Stay away from all types of beef and sushi when you're pregnant. Health experts believe that bacteria and other microorganisms often live in re-meat and marine fish, so pregnant women should ensure that the meat is cooked at high temperatures, at least 145 degrees. and reheat leftovers at a temperature of at least 165 degrees.

Spicy dishes

Spicy eating is mostly a hobby of many people because stimulating taste makes you eat better. However, dishes prepared with many hot and spicy chillies will make pregnant mothers suffer from abdominal pain, bleeding, pregnancy, causing the fetus to shrink the nervous system, slowing down the development process. When processing mothers, they should replace them with a body-warming substance, preventing colds. Also fruits that are hot like labels or durian . should not eat too much.

Vinegar and acidic food

Too much vinegar and acidic food is one of the culprits causing malformations. Especially in the first two weeks of pregnancy, many acidic foods can cause fatigue and weakness. Long-term use of acidic foods not only causes mothers to suffer from certain diseases, but more importantly, affects the normal growth and development of the fetus, even leading to to fetal malformations.

Smoked and baked food

Foods of this type must use wood and coal as fuel for processing. Burning fuel will emit a poison that contaminates baked foods. This poison can cause cancer. For every kg of smoked fish and grilled meat, there are up to a few dozen mg of this poison, every kg of baked bread has 79 mg of poison.

Alcoholic drinks

Mothers who are addicted to alcohol while pregnant and cannot get rid of this habit are extremely dangerous. When the body absorbs excess alcohol, the fetus will also be malformed or at risk of miscarriage. When a baby is born, the body is small, weak, most easily recognizable, at the beginning and narrow eyes. This is called 'fetal alcohol syndrome'. These babies are also poorly fed, irritable and susceptible to abnormalities such as heart disease, intestinal obstruction, and genitalia. Give up bad habits to make your baby healthier.

Fried food

In fried fries contains a certain amount of alum. That alum contains aluminum, an inorganic substance. Aluminum can penetrate the fetal brain through the placenta. If you eat a lot, the accumulated aluminum will be large, making your baby's brain less developed, increasing the risk of cretinism.

Animal liver

There have been many studies showing that pregnant mothers consume too much animal liver in early pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the baby in the abdomen.

If pregnant women eat too much animal liver, especially when taking other vitamin supplements, the amount of vitamin A taken into the body will be too much, adversely affecting the fetus, even causing teratogenicity. . In addition, the liver is the detoxification device, the 'repository' containing the largest poison in the animal's body. Some of these toxins when ingested may adversely affect pregnant women and babies.

Fish containing mercury

Large types of fish in the offshore are often contaminated with heavy mercury. Typically, sharks, swordfish, mackerel, grouper . During pregnancy, mothers are still allowed to eat but if they eat too much, too often, the body will be tolerated by large amounts of mercury. Mercury is an extremely toxic substance that can cause birth defects, brain damage, developmental delay, affecting children's health and intellect later.

Food is easy to allergic

When pregnant, pregnant mothers need special attention to eating especially when eating strange foods that the body is susceptible to allergies. With any strange food, she should only eat a little to try her body's reaction first.

With foods that your mother has been allergic to before, absolutely do not try to eat because when your body is allergic, it will produce a variety of substances that are harmful to the fetus. When the body is itchy, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea . the mother needs to stop using the food immediately and consult a specialist.

Some measures against fetal malformations

Take folic acid supplements from before and during pregnancy

Folic acid is an essential nutrient for your baby's development. Folic acid deficiency is the cause of many birth defects and neural tube defects in the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should take folic acid supplements early, preferably 3 months before becoming pregnant. Because fetal malformations can occur right from the early stages of pregnancy, even before she knows she is pregnant.

Schedule antenatal care

Pregnancy can occur abnormally, so the mother needs to check the pregnancy regularly, so that the doctor can promptly detect and guide you to adjust your living regime. In addition, regular medical examinations will help women monitor their health and early detection of malformations for early treatment.



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