Pregnant women lying on the left or right new good? The following most accurate answer

Tilting to the left is a good sleeping position for pregnant women

According to the American Pregnancy Association, sleeping on your left side will help your blood and nutrients nourish your baby.

This can be said to be a good sleeping position for pregnant women and ensures the safety of the unborn baby by the following benefits:

- Allow blood to flow easily, while absolutely not putting pressure on your internal organs.

- Pregnant women leaning to the left will increase blood flow and bring nutrients to the fetus better.

- This posture also reduces the risk of stillbirth.

- Pregnant women sleep on the left side also helps the kidneys filter out harmful substances better.

Pregnant women lie on the left side is good sleeping posture and ensure safety for the unborn baby

Avoid sleeping on your back while you are pregnant

The position of sleeping on the back is really not good for pregnant women, because the weight of the fetus and the uterus will put pressure on the mother's internal organs, thereby leading to difficulty in circulating blood to the placenta. very dangerous.

That is why pregnant women should choose a safe and more appropriate sleeping position to reduce the risk of stillbirth and developmental fetus. However, you should not be too worried because if your pregnancy does not have bad complications, the stillbirth rate is quite low (1/200).

Here are suggestions to help mothers get a good night's sleep during pregnancy

Skip snacks at night

To get a good night's sleep during pregnancy, pregnant women need to avoid eating meals at night. At night, the fetus begins to feel opposites, but they do not absorb anything that the pregnant mother ate during the two hours before bedtime. According to Dr. Sugar, an American maternity specialist, eating at night has the potential to cause heartburn or reflux, causing insomnia and discomfort in pregnant women.

Make time for quiet before bed

Pregnant women should spend a quiet time before each night of their sleep, away from outside temptations like books, newspapers, television or any source of sound or light. At the same time, pregnant women should not be overworked like bodybuilding or house cleaning, these things will make pregnant women lose sleep.

Turn off all lights before going to bed

To get a good night's sleep, pregnant women remember to keep their rooms dark and quiet. If your alarm clock has a light indicator or any other electromagnetic device with a light source, make sure they won't disturb your sleep. You can put a cloth over them or move those devices away.



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