She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?

Mira Chan-free mother is living in Japan, known for its helpful sharing articles about culture, food, people and especially from pregnantklhi, the share of the elder sister on this topic always get attention, great trust from netizens. The article on the secret help avoid weight gain much in pregnancy or eating drinking science ... are getting hundreds of thousands of weekly favorites.

We at Mira Chan is pregnant in the last months of pregnancy. Though the vote was still mother but pumpkin is very dynamic, always in abundantly vitality. Thanks to learn useful knowledge should Mira Chan being gain weight so much that your baby is still developing in the right rear.

Recently, this mother has also posted the article shared on how to eat to the mother and babies health and especially the mother did not suffer too much weight gain. Invite the parents elected to the saShe elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much? reference:

"Food Science to health for mother and baby, and not gain weight.

Few today Mira Saigon should enlist go eat to have cravings, but trying to eat the most scientific way to just be his favorite dishes to eat more without gaining weight, and affect the health of mother and baby. The following are a few of his conclusion, your reference!

Eating his favorite dishes and eat more in the morning

Rice noodle soup dishes, noodle, porridge ... that Mira I enlist cravings to eat in the morning, because this major dishes contain more starch and calorie, very easy to gain weight. In particular, in the morning, then Mira will eat a lot and divided into many small She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?als, because usually the morning the body would need more energy, so eat a lot.

Mira Chan has a scientific diet to avoid excessive weight gain. (Photo: NVCC)

Eat lunch and dinner, descending, feeding on vegetables and broth

After having to eat a lot in the morning then diminishing his "eat" in the afternoon and evening. Lunch and dinner will mostly eat rice, vegetables, broth, and rice had the most, about half a Cup. Eat stop eat rather than the abdoShe elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?n She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?dium to when feeling no decent stretch the parents vote.

Dinner before 7 pm

At about 6 pm I would eat dinner and then will try not to eat any more dishes. Eating after 7 hours or late evening hours 8 is one of the main causes leading to rapid weight gain in pregnancy. The evening before you go to bed if you feel soShe elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?what hungry hungry little then is successful. If are feeling hungry then before bed, you can drink a glass of hot milk to ballast the belly, not go-green rice cooker.

Eat the sweet and savory dishes

Honest during the pregnancy period, the Mira very crave sweet, not sour food cravings. But I try not to eat many restrictions to not gain weight as well as diabetic pregnancy, so if I eat cake, candy, tea, then tomorrow I will try to go a few days and then sitting back eating magically. Generally at trying to restrain pay demands furious determination, you try it.

In addition to not eating a lot of sweets I minimize salt food to avoid the risk of such facilities at the foot of water or increase blood pressure. Mira found in many salons in Vietnam were slightly salty tasting and wedge for much MSG or sugar, especially rice dishes, noodle porridge, noodle soup. So when eating outside, you should also select the where to eat quality, or limited also not many stocks to avoid the HUP absorbed much MSG, salt or sugar, not good for the health of mother and baby.

Divided into several small She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?als when eating

Besides, you also pay attention when eating then divided into several small She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?als because the more belly to eat at a lot will bring up the feeling no discomfort or stress increased acid room. In particular, the She elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?mory eat slowly chewing slowly trying to help the body digest food better, full of vitamin absorption and to avoid cravings, like to eat really fast, a lot. And a key point is that each day you reShe elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?mber light motor, e.g. walking from 15 minutes to a half hour to help the body healthy, toned and reduce excess calorie.

Provides complete vitamins, milk

Finally, in addition to eating according to the above principle, Mira also do not forget to give the body the vitamins, milk calcium, spinach powder that I often drink from before so during pregnancy.

For example, before the vote I was taking multivitamins containing folic acid, calcium and iron until now. In addition, from its discontinued the term pregnancy between not drinking milk as containing many fats which mainly drink milk calcium mixed with coffee or milk tea is dedicated to Mrs. elected (only coffee, tea, milk, rather than have the caffeine that's just full of vitamins).

Especially since the end of the pregnancy period onwards till birth and later are also feeding more suppleShe elected to eat any hour to avoid gaining weight much?nt capsules of DHA to help parents get the focus, as well as adding to the baby's brain. "=



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