She elected to eat food the child will scenic 'Angel'

Want the Nice, first you must. So, the first 3 months of pregnancy is extremely sensitive period for the development of the fetus. At this stage, she elected should note the addition of the foods that contain lots of protein, folic acid and other vitamins. Then the mother should pay attention to the food down there sé help childbirth Whitty, beautiful skin:

Rough skin removal

If the parent's skin rough, when women become pregnant should eat more food chứavitamin A, because the vitamin may protect the skin cells, making the skin of the child later smooth gloss there. This type of food including animal liver, eggs, milk, beef, carrots, green vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil ...

She elected should supplement vitamin C also will white skin.

White skin

According to experts in nutrition, the diet can also impact, improve color, help more right from the beautiful baby in the womb. For example, parents elected to eat foods rich in vitamin C such as apples, tomatoes, grapes, oranges, tangerines, melons, cauliflower, onion, garlic, Apple ... will help the child after birth to have white skin. By vitamin C has the effect of degrading the black pigment in the skin cells.

My mom voted also don't forget additional source of vitamin A in foods: animal liver, egg yolks, milk, carrots, tomatoes and green vegetables, fruits, avocado, apples, tomatoes, spinach, green vegetables ... protective effects the epithelial cells, which help the skin baby smooth and bright. White skin

Iridescent hair silky

Parent must elect longs her kids, especially the girls would get black hair silky, shiny ... so don't miss what foods contain vitamin B because this contributing nutrients brought to black beauty ball for baby hair.

There are many vitamins in foods such as lean meat, tuna, milk, carrots, beans, eggs, Sesame beans, corn and vegetables, seaweed, corn.=



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