Standard nutrition for each month of pregnancy

The standard meal each month in pregnancy

Pregnancy Nutrition month

The first month of pregnancy Eating nutritious food to help reduce pregnancy?

-Eat a light meal rich in carbohydrates for about 15-20 minutes before getting out of bed. To be at the top of the bed a bottle of salty biscuits, nuts, grains or dried fruits.

-Divided into 3 main meals into 6 small meals each day.

-Choose the food easy to digest starch food combinations, the same source of lean protein from chicken and brackets. Don't forget to drink more milk, less fat and added dairy products in the morning and evening.

-Drink water between meals, not drink during the meal.

-Avoid the indigestion high in fat, fried, fried, sweet or spicy. They only make the situation more worse your sickness!In this first month, doctors usually recommend oral folic acid. This supplement is very important for the development of the fetus. You can also add more folic-rich food such as: dark green vegetables, whole grain cereals and breads, legumes. In the early months of pregnancy, absolutely not eating undercooked eggs, meat, sashimi ...

Nutrition during pregnancy, Monday

Weight gain during pregnancy the mother thing is reasonable for elected need to know. In the first 3 months, you only need to increase by about 1-2 kg, or sometimes just 0, 18-1, 7 kg are also quite OK, by many parents because of the "torture" of sickness, lose some weight.

The problem for both, the mother should specify perspective. Not eat twice, but must eat more to ensure the necessary calorie intake every day increased by about 300. So, instead of the size of the diet, you should take care of the quality of the dish .

The food in the diet for her vote should be diverse, and is located in the essential food groups: grains, bread, vegetables, fruit, milk, dairy products, meat and beans. Also, try to limit the food more calorie, fat and sugar. Folic acid still plays an important role in this month. Also, remember to drink low-fat milk every day management 2, because this is a great source of calcium supplements.

His mother elected need special attention to nutrition during pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy, Tuesday

In the first two months of pregnancy, may be what's not eating her favorite subject elected by the effects of nausea, fatigue, insomnia. However, once you step through the third month, the situation will gradually turn more positive. Discomfort caused by morning sickness symptoms are lessened.

If 2 months ago still have not eaten properly, not stars, you can give into orbit from now. The meal structure is still the 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks each day. At the end of the third month, you should increase to about 0.4-1, 7 kg. After this milestone, each week you will increase of about 0, 5 kg.

Nutrition Tips for this month:

-Get in the habit of eating more fruits and vegetables in meals. Reduce junk food not friendly, more calories, less nutrients such as sweets, fast food, processed food. Instead, the dishes are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such as nuts, dried fruit.

-Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. In addition, you can add liquid from fresh juices, soup, soup. The amount of calcium-rich low-fat milk increased 3-4 cups/day.

-Keep adding vitamins, minerals that doctors prescribe.

Nutrition during pregnancy, Wednesday

The fourth month, the abdomen has filled blisters appear. This is also the time you should focus more on the maintenance and ensure a diverse nutrition and balance. During this time, the experts recommended eating iron-rich foods. The increase of blood flow leads to higher iron needs.

Iron-rich food sources include chicken, beans, dark green leafy vegetables. To enhance the absorption of iron, you should add vitamin C from lemon, Orange, watermelon, broccoli, green bell peppers in the daily menu. Your doctor will probably ask you to drink when pregnant iron if needed.

More importantly, absolutely not packed or fasting. At least after 4 hours, she elected to load more healthy food into the body to prevent heartburn, nausea, fatigue and drowsiness.

Nutrition during pregnancy, Thursday

The second trimester is usually about the time most pleasant, comfortable with his mother to vote. You will feel full of energy and dynamism over the first 3 months or the last 3 months. In the first four months of pregnancy, you should increase about 3-18. Last month, should increase 1.5-2 kg.

Parent body elected at this start to become unwieldy, often because the body area of too much water. So, you should limit eating salty, reduce the amount of salt while cooking, avoid foods much salt as chips, processed food, pickles, olives and smoked meats.

Besides, regular drinking water, 8 glasses per day plus healthy juices. Drink lots of liquid substances filtered help not needed in the body, help parents elected to softer.

Your doctor may ask you additional calcium supplement in this period. Calcium needs increase during pregnancy, so the vote should note drink 2 cups milk and 2 more servings from the milk products on the daily menu.

Gone are the period of sickness, nausea, now you can feel the appetite. Be careful! This may be an indication that you are lacking in substance, such like to eat red meat is a sign of iron deficiency. However, if you crave sweets, try to limit her vote.

Nutrition during pregnancy sixth month

Congratulations parents vote, to the end of this month, you have completed 2/3 of the way. This is the time you feel hungry constantly due to the baby bigger and need much more nutritious. From the beginning of pregnancy to the end of the sixth month, you should be 6-FCR.

Tips on nutrition for parents vote this month:

-Meet the hunger with healthy food, the best lies in the essential food groups such as cereals, vegetables, fruit, milk, dairy products, meat and beans, or can add healthy fats.

-Choose foods containing carbohydrates like brown rice, oats, bloody, because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber helps to prevent symptoms of constipation during pregnancy.

-Make sure that themselves are still taking vitamins the physician's prescription.

Nutrition during pregnancy, Saturday

You have entered the last trimester, interwoven with joy because of the coming election, officials have to face quite a lot of the side effects of pregnancy. To overcome this phase goes well, you can refer to the following helpful tips about nutrition:

-Heartburn: the pressure of the womb on the stomach produces acid in the stomach reflux up the esophagus. To prevent heartburn, you should not leave empty stomach for long time, and when to eat, not eat too no. Instead, nutritious snack 3 hours/time, avoid fried foods, lots of greasy and spicy foods. Try sleeping with a pillow.

-Limb edema: the ability of the body's water area is increased because you load many sodium from salt in foods, sauces, pickles, French fries. So, don't eat the food. In addition, lobbying, going back gently to smooth blood circulation.

-Constipation during pregnancy: thyroid hormone level changes that slow the digestive process, so you should add more fiber to prevent constipation. Drinking plenty of water is also very necessary!

-Fatigue and sleepiness: at this stage, you are very prone to anemia with accompanying symptoms are fatigue, drowsiness. This may be due to increased blood flow, but you do not replenish enough necessary nutrients. Therefore, you need to eat a lot of chicken, red meat, beans, green vegetables, and don't forget the extra vitamin C for easy absorption.

Mom's nutrition elected directly affects the development of the fetus

Nutrition during pregnancy month 8

Elected in progress near the end of the pregnancy journey. While waiting for the magic moment, why not take the time to relax, unwind and enjoy the many possible? At this time, you should start interest in good nutrition for both the fetus and nursing .

The importance of omega-3 in the last 3 months of pregnancy is undeniable. The growth and brain development of children most rapidly during this period. You can add foods rich in healthy fats from nuts, walnuts, salmon, ... Consultant physician to the loading of the omega-3 from other sources of vitamin supplements.

Nutrition during pregnancy may 9th

This time she will vote quite busy to prepare for the birth of the baby, so stories float is eating of course will take place. Fact, last four weeks, the fastest growing baby with pace. That is why the election should still maintain a varied diet and nutrition.

Coming near the end of September, you should increase about 11-15 kg from the beginning of pregnancy to the hour. Useful tips for election and last month as follows:

-Split the meal into 5-6 meals instead of 3 main meals. Avoid removing packed, fasting for long periods.

-Consume more foods rich in calcium to keep bones strong, and prepare for the "export" of milk breastfeeding later.

-Drink lots of water, avoid salty food to prevent edema syndrome.

-Try not to eat fat-rich food, more grease, to avoid excessive weight gain.

-Load more healthy fats.

-Eat more vegetables, fruits prevent constipation.

-Don't forget the dining menu in iron to prevent anemia, iron deficiency.

-Eat fatty fish per week part 2 to add omega-3 helps the baby brain development.

-Taking vitamin supplements according to the prescription.

-Avoid eating live, soggy, cheese is not yet sterilized to prevent the risk of disease, miscarriage, premature birth.

In addition, parents should be noted, also elected during pregnancy should not eat/drink:

• Salads are made available, particularly the kind that contains eggs, ham, chicken or seafood

• Buffet or food to outside air for more than two hours if cold or an hour for those hot days

• Food stuffing inside the bird or chicken, except when it is heated to 75° C

• Raw vegetables, the vegetables are not washed, especially lettuce and cabbage

• Alcoholic beverages

• Milk pasteurized yet

• Fruit juice not yet sterilized

• More than 200 mg of caffeine a day

Note the addition of vitamins and minerals to her elected:

During pregnancy, all kinds of vitamins, minerals are crucial to her election but most of all for that iron, calcium, folic acid or vitamin D, magnesium is the most important and often the addition of this substance. Parents elected to drink enough 2 tablets calcium high content a day can still suffer a lack of calcium because you no extra vitamin D or drink with calcium intolerance components.

Therefore, she elected should select the synthetic vitamins are full of minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins A, B, C, D, E instead of supplements each Member according to the examination results of deficiency of nutrients.=



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