The conception of 'outdated' about pregnancy period

For many parents, the pregnancy is a sensitive time and parents often become quite superstitious with the mind "have had healthy diets". There are a lot of "legend" is "ear leak people" about the pregnancy, childbirth.

The conception dates of thousands of ancient and although not yet proven the authenticity in a clear, scientific but many sisters still follow hopes to bring the best things for the fetus. The parents see themselves know how many of the opinions below!

Don't buy the first born before birth

Many people believe that children born to not be wearing new, must wear map of other kids to get hurt, especially with the babies. So, parents should not buy before baby's accessories or clothes during pregnancy.

Pregnant should not eat many snails

Many people believe that her vote should not eat many screws for fear of childbirth will be more bottom. But in fact, this is the fallacious notion. In the snail contains many types of vitamins such as B2, PP, A ... and the protein, fat, calcium, iron, hydrate carbon. Therefore, it is a source of protein and calcium is good for pregnant mothers. Besides, the snails are easy to eat and not boring at all as the dish should here is also very good foods for her vote.

However, because the snail lives below the ponds should also have many types of parasites. Therefore, when taking the snail material processing need soaking thoroughly and rinse to remove the harmful parasite.

Parents with a high arm over head, the umbilical cord was wrapped neck.

Although this rumour can liberate parents from the Sun Launcher but the washing of food is that it is not related to pregnancy and the baby's mother. Parents can hand the stadium quite comfortable (of course that is not too much) without adversely affecting the baby. Umbilical cord location depends on the movement of the fetus rather than the mother's. Bottom line is, my arms nothing to the uterus of the mother.

The baby was born on Monday, those of the week?

Some parts of the concept that the birth will affect the character and future of that person. Baby born on Monday carrying the qualities of an Angel, always bring people look friendly, warm feeling. Child born on Thursday, lovely lovely. Child born on Thursday containing vợi great sadness. Child born on Thursday waiting languished. Did the child born on Friday as those in the rich emotional type, love and be loved. Children born on Saturday who is diligent, enthusiasm, always try to work and career seriously. The child born on Sunday will have happiness and bright future.

High or low belly

Many people say that if the womb near the pelvis, then surely the pregnant mom boys and vice versa, if the womb is in the high position and near the landing it more then chest is a baby girl. But really this is just a "rumor". The experts found that the location of the muscle depends on the belly as well as the shape of her mother, the abdominal muscles as relaxed as possible, belly, then located at low, especially in the second pregnancy. Eat rabbit meat shall children born will suffer from cleft lips

Folk tradition that she elected should not eat meat rabbits rabbit had exposed upper lip because, sons will suffer cleft lips. Conception on is completely wrong. Causes of lip cleft deformities due to the biological disorders, Neuroleptics and pregnancy at nerve. Days ago, people often blame for syphilis, but science has verified not by bacteria which is caused by a combination of many factors. However, because rabbit meat sustainability should if overeating is also not good.

Eat what mom likes

If the parents are "addicted" Monday junk food has a strange shape, let's meet "the urge". Many concept that the mother will eat food directly to the fetus. And also according to their conceptions, if the mother does not eat food my mother crave, the baby will be born with a birthmark shaped like food.

Mother sickness due to the gender of the fetus

Sickness is clearly one of the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy, as with the first pregnancy though mother pregnant mom boys or girls because the body is the ordinary of the mother can treat the fetus as "unusual creatures" invade the body. However, there are some who believe that sickness related to the sex of the fetus, which can predict the baby's sex in advance. If the mother severe sickness and morning sickness symptoms lasted the entire pregnancy I can pregnant girls. Conversely, if the sickness symptoms are shorter and the mother did not suffer serious pregnancy pregnant mother may to a boy.

"Legend" about color

There is the perception that if during the pregnancy, the mother often eats the foods, drinks are light such as milk, coconut water ... will do for my child to have a fair skin pink. And my mother also avoid eating a lot of soy sauce chicken, evil or dark juices drinks like coffee because can do baby with dark skin.

Fetal heart rate

There are a few where people based on the heart rate to predict the sex of the fetus. If fetal heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, it's a girl. Also heart rate per minute less than 140 family, parents are about to have a baby boy.

Eating spicy foods the children born will have a red lip

In many folk oral tradition that if the advice to eat more spicy spices during pregnancy, the baby is born will have red lips. Fact, star anise, cinnamon, pepper, five spice powder, chili ... is the delicious spices are hot. But for pregnant women does not fit all.She elected to have often higher than body temperature usually normal, drier also gut. The hot spices are very easy to follow stimulus drain water in the intestines, making the stomach and intestines falling more room, making for pregnant women suffering from constipation. Therefore, women when pregnancy should eat hot spicy food to ensure health for ourselves and the fetus.

Cold food is prohibited

China is probably the country that exists in many of the world's most superstitious notion. People in China often warns her mother elected to not eat the kind of food and cold drinks. The reason is because they are regarded as an incubator, keeping warm for children and a place for children to develop. So cold food will affect the child's development environment, parents should only eat the food eaten hot or heat as the temperature in the room.

Eat chili thick baby hair

His mother fed chilli during pregnancy will have babies born with thick hair because it is thought that eating peppers will increase the symptoms of heartburn.  A study on the heartburn of scientists of the University of Hopkins, United States of America have shown that the incidence of heartburn many moms will born children have thick hair. What about the parents little or not getting heartburn will born babies have hair poetry or being bald. This is because the hormone changes cause the parents suffer heartburn related to hair growth in the fetus.

Eating carrots born son, eat fish born daughter

The Chinese believe that if wants to have her son, the mother should eat more carrots, lettuce, mushrooms and tofu. Conversely, if parents want to have baby girls, add more fish, meats and pickles on the diet.

Hot tub harmful

Water bath too hot causing her mother's body temperature rises to 39 degrees C will cause harm to the fetus or can increase blood pressure. However, a warm bath is very good for mom, warm water not only has the effect of reducing the swelling of edema in the hands, the feet but also prevent premature contractions and increase the amount of water, relax.

Pickles, sweets

According to the Chinese people, if your mother likes eating sour mother is pregnant, and the baby girl are sweets "Kuai" of the mother during pregnancy, the mother is certain to have a son. This concept is also very similar in Vietnam.

Check rings

This is a fun way to know the sex of the baby. Forcing his mother's wedding ring on the thread or line and rotate it on the belly of the mother. If it moves in a circle, then in the future you could have a son.

The conception of superstition on the yet to be verified, there are things that have been scientifically proven to be true or completely unfounded. However, will certainly have the parents vote still believes the conception on. Despite this, the parents remember don't let the "legend" on the psychological influence of parents. Don't be too worried that see them as one of the most interesting news to parents understand more things related to pregnancy.=



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