The hazardous from late childbirth

1. Children with deformities

When women over 35, health as well as the quality of the eggs is not guaranteed, rate poorly conceived more than youth, expansion of the pelvis were restricted to pregnancy and childbirth for the first have many risks to both the mother and the child. The risk of childbirth is common: late miscarriage, miscarry, production shock, pregnancy, laying hard, ... Pregnant when got older, the rate of chromosomal disorders should high disease rate troll (Down) in mothers are usually higher than normal. The risk increased when age pregnancy.

2. Children with various disorders

Some diseases are recorded in these children are older father significant increase include autism, attention increases syndrome, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicide ...

The study published in the journal of Psychiatry JAMA Psychiatry that the cause of this condition is due to mutations in the sperm. The survey by the UNIVERSITY of Indiana (USA) and the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), is the largest and most detailed description of the issue to date. The experts have 2.6 million people and learn the difference between the siblings together, Daddy to the differences in child rearing among families.

When comparing children who are the fathers age 45 born and fathers age 24 born, the research team noted:

-The incidence of autism increased 3 times.

-Possible risk of increased attention increased 13 times.

-The risk of mental disorders is high.

-Bipolar disorder risk 2.5 times higher.

-The risk of suicidal behavior or use of addictive drugs 2.5 times higher.

-Score in the lower school.

The study did not specify the age of the father's mold makes the risk starts increasing, that just shows that the higher the age, the greater this risk. Altogether, the risk still is low, and less likely to affect the young. The problem is, on the whole, only a million people, an increase in the risk of small grapes were able to amplify the causes of this disorder child more.

The results showed that the delayed fatherhood are accompanied with the increase of mental problems and learning in children generation.

In addition, a child is older, Dad can serious brain weakened and often have an IQ lower than other children.

Men over the age of 50, 60 or more likely born child with Apert syndrome (cranial-facial syndrome) more than 10 times higher than men from 30 years old.

3. The ease of gender deviance

The elderly fathers not being well prepared on both the psychological and health for the birth and child rearing. Due to age, they tend to be less fastidious and forgive the hyperactive, the mischief of the child. The fathers many years also expressed warm feelings at least with the child makes you prone to autism, they tend to fear of claims and signs of gender deviance because only close to his mother.

Some note for older parents childbirth

-Do a blood test to check liver enzymes, blood glucose, blood fat and discovered a couple of dangerous infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, gene, chromosome.

-Check your blood pressure and cholesterol to assess the health situation in General and cardiovascular health in particular.

-How do semen map to check the number of sperm and sperm's status.

-Hormonal examination for egg quality.

-Take the hose to see egg womb has extraordinary signs in egg faucet not, avoid pregnancy outside of the uterus, refurbished the eggs ...

-Check the computer and ask the opinion of doctors if there were relatives in the family genetic diseases (such as bleeding, anemia hemoglobin humerus ...) or chromosomal disorders (Down), slow intellectual development, suffer birth defects or neural tube defects ... If serious will be informed of the potential risk.

-The fathers should also restrict and reached from quit smoking or other stimulants such as wine, beer, coffee ... If you want to have children, especially when were older.

-Both mom and dad need a nutritional supplement rich in folic acid and vitamin C to enhance sperm quality.=



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