The mother's big mistake during pregnancy makes it difficult for her to eat hard to sleep, to cry, to eat forever

Often stay up late

Researchers believe that when pregnant at night, the baby's circadian clock also changes and becomes a habit. Therefore, the birth of a child will also be affected by this habit of the mother for a long time. In addition, a sleep-deprived mother will be tired, making her tired, uncomfortable, irritable, angry, and less likely to sleep at night.

So no matter how busy you are, during your pregnancy your mothers should take a break, get enough sleep and be on time. Sleep time at least 8 hours / day. To make it easier to sleep, mothers should stay away from stimulants such as alcohol, beer to strengthen their feet with warm water to make sleep easier.

Or irritable, irritable

When pregnant, even if anything is boring, the pregnant woman tries because she laughs and gives birth to her baby's face. She will often grimace as her mother, not to mention that the mood of pregnant mother also greatly affects her personality. If the mother is sad, impatient, or losing her temper, there will be angry babies, developmental delays, even autism.

Explaining this, studies show that maternal psychology greatly affects the fetus. Accordingly, if the mother is happy, she will give birth to happy and happy babies with high IQ, whereas her mother is often stressed, her mood is unstable, causing her to cry and develop slowly.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep a good and comfortable mood during pregnancy and should be maintained during 9 months of pregnancy. If there is something depressing, boring, she also learns to forget by walking, reading, watching music or chatting with friends to improve her mood.

Children's preferences and personalities are formed in the womb, thus avoiding falling into the above situation, pregnant mothers should avoid all their bad habits during pregnancy.

Difficult to eat

In the first three months of pregnancy, many mothers with morning sickness make eating difficult, even many mothers only eat and drink some of their favorite foods during pregnancy. Experts said that when pregnant if mothers eat a lot of substances, the fetus absorbs not only the development but also children will get used to the taste of those dishes. So, when going out of the baby 'smelling', the familiar taste will be more easily received. Not to mention, if the mother chooses to eat only a few dishes during pregnancy, she will only eat those foods later.

Ideally, the period of morning sickness is difficult to ignore and can be ignored, but starting to pass through the 4th month of pregnancy, mothers should eat well, absolutely not picky to eat. This both helps balance the nutrients provided to the fetus, both good for the formation of your child's eating preferences later.

Pregnant mother activities should be avoided

Rubbing the abdomen during pregnancy can stimulate premature birth

Do not rub your abdomen or massage your belly during pregnancy, which can cause premature birth.

Do not abuse ultrasound, both economically expensive and unnecessary.

Be gentle, do not exercise too much, consult your doctor about what activities should be done and should be avoided.

Do not arbitrarily use winter medicines to the west without consulting a doctor.



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