The pregnant mother appears the following sign that her baby is about to be born, ready to go to hospital immediately

Signs of birth

Pregnant belly dropped, prolapse

A few weeks before your baby is born, your baby will move downward in the pelvis. Particularly for pregnant women giving birth a second time, this sign is often quite vague and can only be felt when the actual labor is over. For a first-time pregnant mother this could be a sign of a week before giving birth.

At this point, the pelvic sensation will get heavier so you'll find yourself walking harder and waddier. The good news for pregnant women: You will find it easier to breathe because your baby no longer occupies the space of the lungs, helping to reduce the pressure on the chest.

Joint relaxation

During pregnancy, the ligaments between joints will become softer. You will realize this more clearly when you are about to enter into labor. At this time, the joints become more flexible to help the pelvis expand and facilitate labor.


The muscles in the uterus begin to relax, preparing for childbirth 'inadvertently' making all the muscles in the body 'resting', including the rectum area. This will make the mother loose more. This miscarriage can be a little uncomfortable for the mother.

Vaginal mucus changes color and adhesion

Usually, a few days before birth, the mother will notice more vaginal discharge and may be a little thicker. The reason is that the mucus plugs the cervix to prevent infection, which will slough off in the uterus.

The mucous plug is a large or small piece that looks viscous, pale yellow like an egg white. In some cases, when the mucous plug is peeled off, there will be some blood. This sign of birth is called the 'impending blood sign' and it is a good sign for the impending overshoot.

However, if the contractions have not taken place or the uterus has not expanded by 3-4 cm, the mother may have to wait a few more days. Vaginal bleeding is an important sign of labor, the mother should immediately notify the doctor to be checked and monitored promptly.

The contractions are getting stronger and stronger

Contractions are the most obvious signs of labor. The mother will feel cramping as if the uterus muscles are squeezing in preparation to 'expel' the baby.

Rupture of amniotic fluid

Many people mistakenly think that once the amniotic fluid breaks, the baby will be born immediately after. However, this is only the scenario in the movie, Mom. In fact, only a small number of pregnant women give birth right after amniotic fluid rupture. Most other women usually take a few hours to give birth.

If you have any of the following, get to the hospital as soon as possible:

Mild contractions start usually between 15-20 minutes and last for 60 - 90 seconds each. Afterwards, the contractions become more frequent until they are 5 minutes apart. When strong contractions last 45 - 60 seconds and 3-4 minutes apart, this is when you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Encounter signs of premature birth such as contractions that appear before 37 weeks, vaginal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, pelvic pain or back pain.

Rupture of amniotic fluid or leakage. Tell your doctor right away if the amniotic fluid is yellowish brown or green in color as this is a symptom of meconium. You should also call your doctor if your amniotic fluid is blood colored.

You feel your baby are less active than usual.

Vaginal bleeding, very painful stomach and constant pain or fever.

You have severe and prolonged headaches, changes in vision, pain in the upper abdomen, swelling or any other pre-eclampsia symptoms.



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