The unexpected benefits of the banana for her health vote

1. Limit the sickness

In bananas contain vitamin B6 has the ability to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness for pregnant women. This vitamin helps to balance and create energy for the body.

Also, vitamin B6 are also viewed as essential vitamins for the brain development of the foetus.

2. reduce the condition of edema, cramps

With the abundant amount of potassium, bananas are not just food against cramping pregnant women but also for heavy workers, athletes, ... Potassium in bananas helps the mind sharp, flexible operation and also reduces edema condition for pregnant women.

3. additional blood

In the banana contains more iron, helps stimulate produce hemoglobin has the effect of stimulating the development of hemoglobin in the blood. Eat more bananas will help parents elected to strengthen bleeding throughout the pregnancy in order to avoid lack of blood in the birth process.

4. Prevent Cancer, obesity

Vitamin A in bananas work well in preventing symptoms of cancer, obesity and diabetes for pregnant women. As such, I vote would not want to gain weight too quickly in pregnancy and still provide enough nutrients, you should eat more bananas in the diet daily.

5. Combating constipation

During pregnancy, women often suffer from constipation. Therefore, parents should eat bananas by the positive vote in the bananas are rich in fiber, have positive effects to the digestive system, help the laxative, avoid constipation.

In addition, the banana also contain compounds that have the effect of reducing the acidity, gastric mucosal ulcers prevention, promoting the growth of the mucosal cells.

6. Reduce blood pressure, prevent stroke

Bananas are rich in potassium and low in salt should have is good for helping the blood pressure in the steady state. Practice has proven that if often eat bananas, she elected to 23.6% can reduce the incidence of stroke.

7. Help fight depression

The types of vitamins and minerals are in bananas helps the brain causing mental and elated parents elect always fun

Bananas also promotes the brain produces chemicals serotonin 5, this substance has the effect to improve mood, reduce pain and reduce the hormones that cause emotional suppression in pregnant women.=



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