This is the ideal way of calculating the weight during pregnancy, you need to know right away

The ideal weight calculation during pregnancy

Being underweight or overweight during pregnancy is not good for the mother and the baby. If you are underweight, your baby will most likely not get enough nutrition, and he or she will be underweight at birth or premature.

In contrast, being overweight can cause both mother and fetus to have many complications during pregnancy.

A woman's weight gain during pregnancy depends on many factors, including the weight of the fetus, the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, increased fat, tissue and body fluids.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), weight gain during pregnancy is estimated based on the MMI (Body mass index) of the mother before pregnancy. The formula for calculating BMI is as follows:

BMI = weight (kg) / [height x height] (m)

If the mother has a normal weight before pregnancy (BMI about 18.5 - 24.9): the ideal weight gain of the mother is 10-12 kg, as follows:

First 3 months (1st quarter): Increase by 1 kg.

Middle 3 months (second quarter): Increase 4 - 5 kg.

Last 3 months (3rd quarter): Increase 5 - 6 kg.

If the mother is underweight (BMI: <18.5): The weight gain should be about 25% compared to the weight before pregnancy, usually 12.7 - 18.3 kg.

If before the mother is overweight, obese (BMI 25 or more): the ideal weight gain is 15% of the weight before pregnancy, usually 7-11.3 kg.

In the case of a pregnant mother with twins: Should increase about 16-20.5 kg.

Some notes about weight gain during pregnancy

Excessive weight gain can lead to risk of pre-eclampsia, diabetes, increased caesarean birth rate . Excessive weight gain can also cause fetal growth retardation, malnutrition, increase the rate of preterm birth.

To have a reasonable weight gain, pregnant women need to pay attention to nutrition. During a normal pregnancy, the mother needs to consume an additional 80,000 Kcalo, meaning that in 280 days, the average daily need is 285 Kcalo more. Therefore, moms must use nutritious foods without too much energy such as soft drinks, junk food, too greasy foods, .

Mother also do not forget to add fruits and vegetables because they are not only rich in nutritional value, but also provide the vitamins and minerals necessary for fetal formation and development.

Limit stimulants like alcohol, beer, cigarettes and hot spicy spices.

In addition, mothers need to have a reasonable rest time, get enough sleep, avoid stress, anxiety.



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