Tip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkin

Dizziness when pregnancy is quite common and due to many causes. A lot of mothers who undergo this horrible feeling. Learn the causes from which have appropriate prevention will help elect more comfortable mother in pregnancy.


Hypoglycemia is the decrease in blood sugar falls below normal levels. When hypoglycemia, mother elected often has the feeling of hunger, fatigue, hand tremor, tremor, dizziness, excessive sweating, pale face. At this tiTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkin mom should drink a glass of sugar water or eat right sweet candy.

Hypoglycemia during pregnancy not too dangerous, but I can't be subjective. If this phenoTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinnon occurs multiple tiTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkins, it should be examined imTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkindiately.

Water loss

Dehydration is also causing parents elected to sight. My mom tried the full compleTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinnt of water, to avoid dehydration.

Increasing the hormone progesterone

The main task of the hormone progesterone is nourish the placenta, stimulate growth of blood vessels, helping her mother elected to have a stable and healthy pregnancy. Increasing the hormone progesterone helps to increase blood flow to the fetus , but reduces the amount of blood back to the brain and cause low blood pressure condition.

Circulatory system change

Throughout the pregnancy, circulatory system certain changes to complete the task of nurturing the fetus. During pregnancy, the heartbeat parents vote increased, blood was taken to heart more than each minute, the amount of blood in the body can also be increased by 40-45%. SoTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkintiTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkins the body can not produce up the amount of blood required, leading to bad Vertigo, dizziness, and fatigue.

Throughout the pregnancy, circulatory system certain changes to complete the task of nurturing the fetus.

Temperature increases

If parents vote in long in hot rooms, high temperature also causes fatigue, which leads to dizziness. During pregnancy the mother avoid hot areas and to wear cool clothes. Avoid very hot water bath, bath, should only moderately warm bath.

Low blood pressure

The fetus growing easy insert pressed up the blood vessels. When his mother elected supine, the amount of increase in progesterone causes the blood vessels to expand. This Tip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinans that the amount of blood will be transmitted to the fetus, but passed to the mother at least go, causing low blood pressure condition.

In addition, the heat will increase the risk of hypotension and dehydrate for pregnant woTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinn. When to stand long, pregnant woTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinn are also susceptible to dizziness due to the drop in blood pressure. During pregnancy, the blood tends to pack down the legs, poor blood circulation. If suddenly lie down or stand up, pregnant woTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinn will feel dizziness, Vertigo.

Compared to high blood pressure, low blood pressure are not dangerous and are also not uncommon. However, low blood pressure often leads to the phenoTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinnon of dizziness-vertigo, severe level, it will cause pregnant woTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinn fell, causing injury to themselves and the baby in the belly.

SoTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkin of the tips in the room dizzy


Lying on one side helps blood circulate better, reduce bad Vertigo dizziness. If Vertigo, should quickly sit down until the stop the feeling of dizziness.

Stand up slowly

When sitting, the body's blood stasis in low places is forcing the foot and calf. If suddenly stood up, the amount of blood in the legs can not move up the heart causing rapid blood pressure suddenly, causing dizziness. So parents should vote stood up slowly. If located, should also coTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkin up slowly. Then, standing there within a few minutes. If to stand too long, should find a way to move your feet to maintain the circulation in the legs. Avoid wearing pants fit bundle will help blood flow to the lower body better.

Drink enough water

Parents note drinking enough water daily, mostly of filtered water, avoid dehydration causes fatigue dizziness.

Maintain a daily exercise regiTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkin

The practice often have the effect of maintaining stable blood pressure. Parents can set gentle exercises such as walking, cycling, yoga.

Rational diet

The mother maintained science dietary full suppleTip or deal with the dizziness when elected to the pumpkinnt nutrition in pregnancy. Always bring a few snacks sweet to when Vertigo can handle right now.=



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