Top 10 omega-3 rich foods for smart babies from the womb, you should not miss

Omega-3 is an indispensable healthy fatty acid in everyone's diet. It is extremely important for pregnant women and infants.

Numerous studies have shown that omega-3 helps to prevent depression, prevent premature birth in pregnant women and support the development of brain and eyes of babies.

Omega-3 includes 3 forms: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), they are found in everyday foods.

Before and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers should still get enough omega-3 to keep the body healthy and help the baby develop best physically and intellectually.

Dark green vegetables

Green vegetables are indispensable foods in daily meals. Vegetables are not only high in vitamins and minerals but also a good source of fiber for the digestive system.

Among them, dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens, kale, spinach, watercress and some herbs like parsley contain a lot of omega-3, good for fetal development.


In Japan, foods made from seaweed or seaweed are very popular for pregnant women because of the ability to help the fetus to be smart right from the womb. Seaweed contains the same amount of omega-3 in sea fish. Pregnant women can fully use the products from seaweed to supplement omega-3 every day.

Canola oil and soybean oil

Canola oil and soybean oil are abundant in ALA. Therefore, instead of using synthetic vegetable oils, animal fats, pregnant women should use canola oil and soybean oil to provide adequate omega-3s for both mother and child.


Walnuts are rich in omega-3 and this is an indispensable seed during pregnancy to keep the mother healthy and intelligent.

Mom can grind and cook with oatmeal for a nutritious breakfast, add yogurt or sprinkle on a cup of pickled fruits .

Soy products

Tofu, soy milk . are a good source of omega-3, in addition they also contain a lot of calcium and protein. Therefore, a meal with soy dishes is really an ideal suggestion for pregnant women to supplement omega-3.


Chicken eggs contain valuable nutrients such as protein, iron, folic acid . Egg yolks provide an abundant source of omega-3 that is remarkably rich. A chicken egg yolk contains 17mg of DHA to help the unborn baby from the womb.

Each week, women should add about 3-4 chicken eggs to achieve the effect of fully nurturing the fetus.

Sea fish

Marine fish such as salmon, herring, and bait fish are good sources of EPA and DHA. However, not all are recommended for pregnant women. Some fish contain too much mercury and dioxin, which is extremely dangerous for pregnant women.

So to ensure the safety of the mother should eat only 3 portions of fish per week.


Shrimp are foods rich in omega-3 fats. Women can eat shrimp 1-2 times / week to provide enough nutrition for mothers and children. In addition, shrimp is also a food source that provides calcium for strong bones, avoiding soreness and discomfort in pregnant women in the middle and late pregnancy.

Sea crab

Sea crabs contain a lot of omega-3, about 100 grams of crab can bring 500mg - 1000mg of fatty acids. It is beneficial for brain development and helps the fetus be smart, born healthier.


Broccoli helps pregnant women get folic acid and white cauliflower is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. 100 grams of cauliflower can provide the body with about 200mg of omega-3. In addition, cauliflower is also rich in vitamin C, folate, fiber . very important in the diet during pregnancy.



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