What to do to reduce dizziness symptoms dizziness in her vote

Causes of dizziness, vertigo when pregnant

The main cause of this is due to the increase of hormones, dilate, open up the blood vessels. This phenomenon is the main help for the blood that may come with the fetus and back in your veins. When the blood pressure is lower than normal will reduce the amount of blood flow to the brain, of course will cause dizziness, Vertigo.

This reduces the amount of sugar in your blood, your body makes many changes to adapt. Women who suffer from anemia or varicose veins will meet the United States eyes dizzy status more than ordinary people.

In the second quarter, growth of the fetus will put pressure on the veins, is also the cause of symptoms dizziness, Vertigo. If elected she would back often supine then this phenomenon as long as the baby's body weight will set up permanently into the blood vessels.

Stand up too fast

When sitting, the body's blood stasis in low places is forcing the foot and calf. If suddenly stood up, the amount of blood in the legs can not move up the heart causing rapid blood pressure suddenly, causing dizziness. This situation can occur with both groups of women who are not pregnant.

Should avoid standing when you've just left out of bed or a Chair. If it is, you should get up slowly. After that, you should stand down a spot within a few minutes.

If you have to stand in the same place for long periods, you should find a way to move your feet to maintain the circulation in the legs. Avoid wearing pants fit bundle will help blood flow to the lower body better.


To you II-III, the development of thai may slow the process of blood circulation in the legs, mom, due to fetal weight pressure so the aorta and the veins in the pelvis of the mother.

Located straight back posture is causing trouble on the more serious. About 8% of pregnant women in quarter II-III faced the situation: When supine, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure and they feel stunned, malaise, nausea until they change position.

Lying would be better located straight back. A small pillow under the hips have the effect supports you in this lying.

Nutritional deficiency

When food is not enough, you can suffer hypoglycemia-illness prevent you from sight, even fainting. This sign is as easy to happen when you are pregnant.

Lack of water can also cause a similar effect.

You should drink enough water every day, especially when the hot weather or when you exercise. To avoid hypoglycemia, you should maintain the frequent, small meals during the day next to the Board. Absolutely not should they be hungry to your body.


When anemia, you will have fewer red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the brain and other organs. The result, you'll appear stunned the signs. Iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia.

Make sure that you loaded enough iron through food and drink tablets, especially in quarter II-III.

The reasons why she elected to suffer Vertigo | She voted, her health, her vote to elect or dizziness, cardiovascular system, pregnancy, blood pressure

Too hot

In the long term in a hot room or sauna will cause the blood vessels to be dilated, causing hypotension, dizziness.

If you suffer from dizziness due to weather, you should avoid crowded places, hot areas and wear cool clothes. Avoid pregnancy while you bath; Instead, you should just bathe with warm water.

Water loss

A continuous workout mode or when you worry will cause you to lose water and feel stunned.

Although exercise is good, you should still be careful and avoid volume too. You should start slowly and stopped soon after sight.

Other cases

Many pregnant women feel stunned when coughing, urination or bowel movements. These effects can cause you to suffer lower blood pressure, leading to dizziness.

These measures against pregnancy Vertigo dizziness

If you see or eye United, should reserve a few packages of biscuits in the bags. Also, never leave the body dehydration, drink enough water, avoid the kind of water cause minor lot (like the caffeine in tea, coffee and alcohol).

Combined with iron-rich food of food rich in vitamin C for prevention of iron deficiency anemia symptoms, especially when you bring the most pregnant or pregnant two times first just about 1 year. This is the 2 cases taking away the body's reserves of iron sources.

Try not to get too hot. Should wear a lot of layers, because you can remove the outer layer if it is hot. If the Sun is hot, drink enough water, using electric fans or air conditioners, hand and face up the cool water scales.

No hot water bath too and should be cautious if taking a bath that saw United eye. If signs of this happening, so stop and sit down a few minutes before stepping out of the bathroom. Relatives should help, if possible.

Circulatory system will slow down if you stand (or sit) long in the same place. If your work involves standing for long, so each side swinging a leg; sit when possible or walk slightly to stimulate the circulation. Do not stand.

In the last stages of pregnancy, you should avoid supine (by this time the fetus was inserted onto the large blood vessels of the mother, temporarily preventing the circulatory system). This not only causes dizziness, dizzy, pale, but also reduces the oxygen supply to the fetus, though only temporarily. Should lying sideways. If you want to sit up, sit up slowly.=



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