Why parents elected to have the risk of premature birth

1. My mother suffered severe stress

Often the mood of insecurity, anxiety, anger stretched during pregnancy can cause the mother's body too much adrenal hormone secretion, produce substances harmful to the nervous system leads to premature birth.

2. infected genital tract inflammation

During the pregnancy, if the mother elects inflammation infection (also called genital tract below) will have a very bad influence to the fetus, often cause miscarriage or premature birth.

3. short cervix

Length smaller than 25 mm is the doctor identified as short cervix. This phenomenon may be caused by congenital, underdevelopment or incomplete abortion, cervical surgery ...

4. With a history of prematurity

If the first baby is born prematurely, the risk of premature birth of your second baby will 3 times higher than non-mothers with a history of prematurity.

If the first baby is born prematurely, the risk of premature birth the second baby will be high 3 times.

5. amniotic infections

Intrauterine infection is cause mainly caused brain damage to the fetus. In particular, amniotic infections are easy to lead to infection in the uterus, amniotic rupture early and often cause premature birth.

6. Genetic factors

The study found that premature birth and genetic factors have a certain relationship. If in a family suffering from premature birth, especially Grandma, mom or sister, you need to prevent preterm birth risk during pregnancy.

7. abnormal uterus 

Womb abnormalities (malformations) has a variety of more common but still the case double uterus. Women have suffered a double uterus, the risk of miscarriage, premature birth up to 13-14%.

8. Lack of vitamin B9

A study conducted in France have discovered that vitamin supplements before pregnancy B9 1 year will reduce by 50% the risk of premature birth.

9. The influence of the seasons

Some research shows that the most common birth condition in women who conceive in the spring, and at least the most common in the summer. The cause is said to be relevant to the cause of allergies, viral infection, incorporating changes in nutrition, the levels of exposure to the Sun, etc.

10. Other causes

In addition to the reasons already stated, prematurity is also due to other reasons such as the missing mother loss, malnutrition, carries the most pregnant, little water, relax, get pregnant too soon (under age 18) or the pregnancy from 40 years of age, drug addiction, alcoholism, pregnancy too many times etc.

In addition, overwork, sex too, due to climate change, an indiscriminate etc. pregnancy also cause lead to labour status soon.=



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