3 simple steps to help become glamorous lips

Exfoliation for lips

Pureed two raw materials on, lather the mixture up and lips to within 5 minutes. Then use the hand massaged gently and then rinse with warm water. Finally use the balm for the lips.

Use fresh milk mixed with Pomegranate juice helps effective lip care.

Make lips pink naturally

Pomegranate juice used mixed with milk, then obliterate this mix up lips, every day doing this once, surely you will see results markedly after about 1 month of implementation. Your lips will become tighter, more red, more glamorous.

How to makeup for the lips

Step 1: first of all take a little finger DAB background chalk up lips.

Step 2: next, use a lip brush a thin layer of chalk-covered hit. Chalk layers has the effect of helping after the durable lipstick DAB.

Step 3: there are few ways to have the fish lips. You can use a color featured in g or if you prefer something a bit different, try two different lipstick colors. Bold lipstick color in lip and pale than in the upper lip. Or if you like the color but just wanted to highlight light seals come on, use your finger to DAB a little son in between the lips and then spreads out evenly.     Step 4: after hitting the lip done, to son durable, you should be more gentle lips on absorbent paper towels to remove excess lipstick.=



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