4 steps to perfect pink and white skin

Drink tomato juice

Supposedly the therapist bring magic to your skin. Tomatoes contain many nutrients help the maintenance of whole-body white skin from the inside. The tomatoes provide essential vitamins to the body. Use tomato juice every day to help your skin just white pinky full of life.

Use tomato juice every day to help your skin just white pinky full of life.

Not the way skin whitening is completely natural, tomatoes also helps you prevent UV effective, reducing the black elements strongly stain human skin and do increase the melamine pigmented skin white.

Exfoliation with sugar  The road will quietly do the dead skin layer and se snugly by pores, helps the skin soft and radiant.

The way is simple: use one part sugar mixed with one part glycerin, add a few drops of essential oil of Aloe, mix well in a bowl and rub gently around the body according to circular motion, 5 minutes after the rinse with clear water. You can use to face exfoliation or body.

Honey mask

Honey contains large amounts of the amino acid is readily absorbed into the human body, also, the vitamins and sugar contained in honey has the effect very well in skin care.

1 part honey 3 parts water, and then take that solution to wash the face once a week will create a layer of protection to the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays, helping the skin chestnut becomes soft.

How massage helps white

Use a little DAB of oil all over the face. Use your hands to massage from the feet, coming between the eyebrows, jaw, cheeks, down her mouth, ... Make 1-2 minutes.

Then wash your face clean, wipe dry, use moisturizers, dot all over the place as the forehead, nose, cheeks, Chin, 2 DAB feature. Use your hands to massage from the mouth to the ears, nose to the sides, down the cheeks, plug, ... the massage from 3-5 minutes.

Finally, DAB the two palms together about 1-2 minutes to heat up, clapping hands clapping in the face, like to the skin easily absorbs more lotion.=



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