5 minutes to help the skin toned, most greasy with sea salt

Sea salt contains sodium chloride 80% and 20% of the minerals.  Sea salt contains up to 21 trace minerals such as zinc, calcium, chlorine, vitamin A, vitamin C and Jesus ... needed for skin nourishment. Especially sodium, vitamin A, and vitamin E has the ability to accelerate the recovery and regeneration of the skin.

Use sea salt in a beauty regime can supplement all the elements necessary for your skin.

Salt, oily skin firming

Way 1:

Salt deep cleaning pores and balances oily skin levels, prevent bacteria damage and acne.

To reduce the level of sebum on the skin, into a small spray a little warm water, one teaspoon salt and spray onto the skin of your face and neck. Then wipe dry. Spray one-two times per day.

Method 2:

With little salt water Republic, illuminate the letter T on the face, massage gently from bottom to top to dry salt and rinse with clear water. How often will see reduced significantly greasy skin and toned.

Note When using sea salt to beauty

Caution when using the sea salt for the region around the eyes.

Don't abuse too much, just once on a week is enough.

Avoid excessive salt rubbing up the face, it can cause skin redness or inflammation.

Before using on-hand should try to know you have allergy or not.

Good for use only after advice from the doctor of Dermatology.

Never used sea salt alone, having to mix it with a series to any essential oil before use.=



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