8 step standard skin care in winter

Use the water slightly warm to wash your face

In the winter you should not use the water too hot for washing because when it will injure the epidermis protects the skin causing the skin more fractured. At this point you should wash your face with water a little warmth.

The winter you should not use the water too hot for washing because when it will injure the epidermis protects the skin.

Don't forget moisturizer

When the weather is dry, Winifred you must not forget regular moisturizing to the skin. Cream is the way of the perfect anti aging facial skin, the ingredients, there are essences in cream helps skin soft, moisture stability.

Use sunscreen

Sunscreen is not just for the summer. The winter sun can still cause an impact on the skin. Whenever a sunscreen on the face and the skin of the hands about 30 minutes before going out. Reapplied often as are outdoors for too long.

Carefully hand skin care

The skin on the hands so much thinner than other parts of the body and have fewer oil glands than. That means, very hard to keep the hand skin enough moisture, especially when the weather is too dry, Winifred. Sometimes, because of too much oil that your hands were chapped and itch. Wear gloves when going out cold, topical moisturizer every night and restricted contact with the water too cold.

Natural face mask

Natural face mask is also how winter facial skin care work are many sisters women trust to use. Ingredients such as yogurt, honey, chicken yolk very good for moisturizing the skin. We will provide those nutrients needs to balance the moisture and help the skin always smooth white this winter.

Facial massage with essential oils

Essential oils from natural vegetation is the potions to help beautify the face skin. The essential oils to the skin after the impact pushed back the aging brand oil. In addition, when using essential oils are very safe, helps skin relax and extremely effective anti aging skin.

Not too hot water bath

After a day of enduring the cold cut meat cutting leather, you will find it pleasant when in a hot tub. But with warm bath only moderately by the heat too large can disrupt the lipid barrier of the skin, leading to loss of moisture. In addition, should not soak in warm water for too long, just prone to colds, just bad for your skin. After the bath is finished, you should lather body moisturizing cream to curb xeroderma.

Drink enough water

Not winter which normally you need to load the adequate amount of water in the body to compensate the amount of water lost. You should drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day to ensure the skin's moisture stability helps the soft skin, natural toned.=



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