Apply diet with fruit and this is the result this BTV girl received

Not only Steve Jobs but many people believe that a diet with only fresh fruits helps provide the body with abundant fiber and vitamins, which will eliminate toxins out quickly and support the work. effective weight loss.

Recently, female BTV (editor) - Amanda Montell of beauty website Byrdie challenged herself with this diet for 1 week to see the effect realized again. However, Amanda did not set the goal of weight loss first, but instead, she prioritized the purification of the body.

American female editor - Amanda Montell.

It is known that the Fruitarian Diet is a diet that consists only of fruits and nuts. Therefore, throughout this diet, you will have to say NO to your favorite foods. Amanda also shared that, the night before the start of the challenge with the Fruitarian Diet, she ate vegetarian pizza and cupcake to satisfy herself first.

What Amanda's Fruitarian Diet has: Amanda shares her first day's diet menu with 6 meals as follows:

- Breakfast: 1 smoothie with 3 bananas, blueberries, dates and some coconut milk.

- Morning snack: 1 handful of dried peaches.

- Lunch: 2 bowls of fruit salad with bananas, grapes and berries.

- Afternoon snack: 1 handful of dried figs.

- Dinner: 1 mixed bowl of butter, cucumber, tomatoes mixed with olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.

- Dessert: 1 handful of almonds.

On the first day, many people were curious to ask whether Amanda felt hungry or had any problems? And surprisingly, she didn't feel hungry, but she went to the toilet quite often.

In fact, this diet method does not limit how many calories you need to consume in a day, so Amanda does not feel hungry. It's just that the fruit is high in fiber and water so she can almost hear the sound of her stomach digesting food all day. Synonymous that, Amanda also have to run to the toilet to solve "sadness" more. After a day of trying the Fruitarian Diet, Amanda noticed that her belly was a little flatter and over the night, she found her body becoming more relaxed, more relaxed.

The second day was not much different from the first, but because Amanda had to attend a party, she drank some cocktails, ate two more slices of toast with avocado. Even so, Amanda woke up the next morning, feeling the same as the first day.

In the following days, Amanda always tried to ensure the maintenance of 75% of the food of the day was fruit. By evening, Amanda had a craving for starch, so she ate some pasta with baked potatoes.

The result Amanda received: the body was full of energy, more aware in eating

Finally, after 1 day on the Fruitarian Diet, Amanda found her body full of energy and even then, she became more aware of eating."I feel like I've succeeded when I get rid of the fast food habit. In fact, after 3 weeks of Fruitarian Diet, I didn't bother to eat any more packaged foods. This diet helped me to get it too." The importance of fresh food rather than packaged and processed foods and it also helps me listen to my body.

Recently, I switched to eating 2-3 bananas for breakfast instead of 1-2 granola bars packed as before. When making bread, I eat it with avocado and tomatoes instead of using diet cheese. However, I do not recommend eating 100% fruit in the long run and the nutritionists agree with the same opinion. Because in the long run, this diet will have certain downsides. Typically, the amount of sugar in fruit is often quite high, which can affect your glycemic index. In addition, it is also difficult for you to get enough nutrients for the body from just eating only fruit. Our bodies still need protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, iron, vitamin D . to maintain and grow healthy "- Amanda share.



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