Beauty shop 'magic' with mashed potatoes

One of the natural skin whitening at home is potato. Because potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamin E and many other antioxidants help whiten the skin and treat acne effectively without the need to use the white cream face skin. Besides the potato face masks we can enhance the efficiency of white balm and smoothing out by potato combination with other materials.

Exfoliate with potatoes

The beauty of potatoes very good

Face mask exfoliate with potatoes simple just by cooked, potatoes into thin slices, up up in round 10 minutes. Or to shorten the process of face mask made of potatoes you can get plywood of potatoes, apply to skin with cotton wool, for about 5 minutes for nutrients penetrate the skin and then rinse with clear water. Every week do regularly 2 times will see great results. Your skin will white rose up slowly.

Potatoes lighten skin

A cooked potatoes (you can peel the potatoes into pieces like the soup to boil for fast). Then, crushed potatoes with spoon or for both milk and potatoes in the blender. DAB all the potatoes all over the body, massage in 15 minutes, and then again with cool water bath. This potato mixture will help provide moisture to the skin and make the skin smooth light.

Effect of potato treat acne.

In addition to the above uses, the potatoes longer treatment on acne. With half a potato half a cup of milk add pureed chin without sugar you stir the mixture and up onto the 20 minutes. Do constantly within 1 month you will run out of acne now.

Potato skin therapy oil

The masks are made from pureed cooked potatoes along with a spoonful of oatmeal will improve the oil skin.

The masks are made from pureed cooked potatoes along with a spoonful of oatmeal will improve the oil skin.

One thing to note when the potato processing you should Peel and mash carefully in water. By in acrilamit substances containing potatoes will become toxic when at high temperatures.

Anti-aging, wrinkles

Mix the potato juice + yogurt or olive oil help anti-aging, hydrating for the skin.

Dry skin treatment

If your skin is dry but not adapting to medicines or cream, you can use with the potatoes.

If your skin is dry but not adapting to medicines or cream, you can use with the potatoes. To treat, drink a glass of water the potatoes every day, it will protect the skin from toxins in the body, help make the skin smoother.

Help the hair grow faster

Squeeze the potatoes take water mixed with a little chicken and egg white honey. Apply it on your hair, leave for 2 hours. Then rinse and shampoo with normal shampoo.

Potatoes help weight loss 

Potato water will help you lose weight. Apply the weight loss: drink a cup of the juice daily in the morning before breakfast and 2-3 hours before bed. You can also mix more honey.

Note When using potatoes

Always use fresh potatoes, do not use the potato has sprouts or sprouting Potatoes grow sprouts.

For ease of drinking the juice, potatoes can be mixed with carrot juice, or fruit juices, other green vegetables.

Potato juice can lead to diarrhea in some cases, when used to note.

If there are problems about the teaching, you should not use potato juice.=



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