Chest stretch, round capsule with bloom hot rice

Cause saggy breasts

By reducing adipose tissue in the breast during pregnancy and breast-feeding: during this time, under the effects of hormones, the milk will increase online activity to create too much milk, the milk will insert pressed the fatty tissue in the breast glands and reduces adipose tissue mass in the breast , chest will be small atrophy.

The tissues of the chest was soft paste should increasingly sagging chest shield.

Due to the amount of milk is secreted a lot, increased breast volume and weight, the system had ligament suspension effects keep breast being collapsed causing the chest late or saggy breasts sa.

Do the milking, or mothers who have a habit of massaging breasts in order to increase the amount of milk, ... This creates frequent impact force onto the breast, breast tissue was pressed repeatedly, the consequence is the connective tissue and lift the chest will be broken to make soft saggy breasts.

In addition in some women, although not yet pregnant but still economically suffering chest: common cause is due to the system of connective tissue and lift the chest was soft paste soon.

How to lift breasts with hot rice

Raw materials include: 1 bowl of rice, white vinegar, soak in vinegar for about 30 minutes, note 1 bowl of rice just for one time use.

How to massage: For the rice in the pot to cook just until cooked, then taken out into a small grasp then proceeded to roll around the chest elected form the V reverse claws up. So the massage within 20-30 minutes note when the rice off the heat should change by holding other rice.

Breast care to non-sagging breasts

Should buy available bra has a variety of "result", when the chest, even change the type of results (i.e. not matching bra to leave marks on the chest and the shoulders).

Form the habit of when to sleep, when to wake up, and that habit persistence in long time.

At any time all need to maintain the posture of sitting and standing up straight, so often turn chest and head stomping strides.

To have healthy breasts we should eat more foods containing protein (fish, meat, milk, etc.). Better coordinated with persistence in the chest massage.

How a simple exercise and make healthy breasts is two hands grab again, in round 1of 0 seconds to move slowly to massage the chest front.=



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