Clean acne, bright skin with 3 ways to make acne mask with chicken eggs at home

In the myriad of methods of beauty and acne treatment at home, many people now prefer to treat acne with chicken eggs that are considered as one of the beauty secrets that not only bring high efficiency but also extremely Simple one can do it.

Firstly, when talking about the use of chicken eggs, compared to the egg yolk, the egg white contains many essences like Protein, Collagen and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, etc.

Not only helps skin care effectively, heals the skin lesions, antioxidants, slows down the natural aging process of the skin but egg whites can also treat acne, acne and blackheads. Very good thanks to Lysozyme enzymes, it is known that this substance helps to kill bacteria that cause acne, remove sebum, dirt causing acne and help reduce pores on the face.

Some recipes to make acne masks at home can be done by yourself:

Acne treatment and shrink pores

For those who suffer from acne, they will always have a large pore condition that makes the skin not smooth and acne will be because of that but never will. So if you combine honey with chicken egg white to make acne masks, not only will it help reduce acne, but the honey essence will give your skin smoothness with pores. close.

You just need to beat the egg whites and then add 1 tablespoon of pure honey to 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, then mix the mixture and use a brush to apply a mask to your face and relax for 20 minutes Wash your face thoroughly. Keep doing this twice a week, you will see a clear effect on your face.

Treat acne and lighten skin

Long-term technology has been known to help heal scarring wounds and penetrate acne extremely effectively thanks to the essence and content of Vitamin A, E, C . So if you combine these essences of turmeric with the amino acids in lemon juice and egg yolk nutrients, not only will it "remove" the bruises quickly but the skin will also be white. surprisingly bright.

To make this mask for acne and lighten skin, you just need to beat 1 egg whites and mix well with 2 spoons of turmeric powder and 1 spoon of lemon juice and apply on face for 20 minutes then gently massage and wash your face with warm water. If the mask is applied 2-3 times a week, the pimple will disappear quickly.

Reduce acne moisturizing skin

Like chicken eggs, oatmeal is also considered to be one of the most effective anti-acne drugs. But it would be very lacking to just apply a mask of oatmeal that does not combine with egg whites and a little yogurt to give the skin just clean acne and have perfect moisturizing to avoid the risk of aging. early.

If the above two methods use egg white, then with this method we will switch to using egg yolk. Here you should mix the egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1/4 cup of sugar-free yogurt in a small cup until the mixture is smooth, don't forget to wipe your face with a warm towel 3 times and let it dry naturally before putting the mixture on the face. After that, you just need to relax for 20 minutes and then wash your face with water and maintain 2-3 times a week, your skin will clear acne and smooth and see.



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