Comprehensive skin beauty with yogurt

Yogurt and cucumber

Nothing can compare with cucumber and yogurt face mask in the moisturizers and improve your skin. Lactic acid in yogurt will help exfoliate the skin, this mask is also the "enemies" of acne and brown spots on the face.

The processing of yogurt and cucumber face mask is also extremely simple. Cucumber puree or grilled or thinly sliced and mixed with yogurt and mix up the face for 15-20 minutes before you wash your face with cold water. You should use a big cucumber slices for the eyes to combat the deep dark circles.

APokert lactic acid in yogurt will help exfoliate the skin.

Yogurt and honey

Mix yogurt and honey face twice a week helps the skin more soft, velvety. Just 2 spoons of yogurt with 1 table spoon of honey, stir well and massage the face with any mixture for 5 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water, Pat up sides to dry skin naturally. If implemented and regularly every morning, then soon you will get smooth skin like a dream.

Yogurt and lemon

Mix 1 box yogurt with juice of 1/2 lemon, this mixture of cut-up face and rinse after 15 minutes. Acne will decrease markedly, by which also you skin smooth that over.

Sour milk with oatmeal

Mix 1 spoon of yogurt and 2 spoons of oatmeal into a special mixture. After mixing is completed, up to the approximately 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask type skin rejuvenation, boost your metabolism and help smooth over white.

Yogurt and orange

The wrinkles will blur and skin soft when using regular yogurt.

You get 1/2 box of sugar-free yogurt to stir together orange peel finely rivets. Use this mixture to illuminate the face skin, hold for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. The wrinkles will gradually fade and smooth soft skin will quickly "return" If you take only 2-3 times/week.

Yogurt and olive oil

Mix 10 spoons cafe yogurt with 2 spoons of olive oil and DAB cafe this mix up, gently massage and bath clean again after about 15 minutes. Surely you will feel smooth and white up each day of your skin.

Yogurt and wheat flour

Mix yogurt and flour mixed into paste (not too dense or too loose). Then obliterate this mask over your face and neck for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse. This mask type skin toned and smooth. The faithful will feel silky soft skin after just one use.

Yogurt and wheat flour

Rinse strawberries and drained, then forced take water mixed with yogurt, honey has prepared in advance. Lather the mixture to the skin and massage gently and hold for about 15 minutes and edit workbooks. This mask type not only the effects but also repulsed whitening acne effectively.=



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