Decreasing a record of 30kg, this Japanese girl has a dream body

The starting point was a round-fat girl with a weight that reached 78kg, Muni's physique heavy with a waist circumference, a waist that disappeared, big limbs and thighs oversized. She herself could not imagine that one day she could reduce up to 30kg to get a figure that made her admire. Muni is one of the most concrete proofs that it is possible to just make a resolution, just to lose weight.

Muni's physique after losing nearly 30kg. Minuating a third of the weight, Minu has a neat and toned physique with enough curves that make the women crave.

At the beginning of her weight loss journey, Minu developed a science eating habit in parallel with simple exercises. To reduce 30kg, Muni had to split into 2 phases with the weight from 78kg to 62kg, and from 62kg to 50kg. Muni shared that she divided the two phases so that her body did not suddenly drop, while losing weight and having time to adapt to changes to stabilize her health and her condition.

Muni's physique and beauty in the present day.

Losing weight is not the simplest thing for people with oversized stature like Muni. Even she still shared, before dreaming did not dare to think of a day when she lost weight again and had a sexy physique like this.

It is entirely possible to practice at home

Muni says, if you don't go to the gym, you can completely practice at home with the exercises on each muscle group. The important thing to practice at home is that you have to follow the instructions correctly and be really determined, because most people who only practice for a few days feel tired and frustrated. Such frustration can never be successful in losing weight.

The action of body fat burning cadio, Muni does not need to go to the gym or rely on sports equipment can still practice by himself. Special body fat digestion focuses on belly fat, you can fully follow if you want a slim, toned waist.

This action helps you lift your buttocks high without affecting the thigh. Many women are afraid to practice squat because their thighs may be bigger but this will help the thighs become slimmer and the buttocks will be improved, not less effective than the usual squat movements.

This action supports the back, shoulders and the impact on your belly fat. Thanks to this routine, Muni reduced the extra fat on his waist and waist; The shoulders are also much tighter and firmer.

If you want to have slender legs, you should not ignore this movement. The elasticity of the rubber band will make the calves and thighs more active, so the thigh fat is also consumed a lot.

Muni's diet: Reduce starch, enhance vegetables and protein

Muni minimizes starch in his diet. She focuses on foods that support weight loss, fat burning such as vegetables, bananas, grains . and beef and chicken breast. Beef and chicken breast are two foods that support fat loss effectively, so during exercise and weight loss Muni recommends that you seriously apply starch reduction and high protein intake to increase muscle and fat loss. .

Losing weight is to eat light and abstain from artificial sweets, but if you crave too, you can add a little sugar to yourself with snacks like Muni. Not for sugar, but Muni eats sugar-free yogurt with strawberry jam to create sweetness, or can add sugar by eating lots of fruit to avoid a sudden drop in sugar.

The results not only reduced weight, but Muni's chestnut skin also improved markedly. Her skin was always pink and bright, fresh. From the physique to the skin, it makes you admire.



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