Dirty girlfriend hairy armpits without being fully penetrating

Armpit causes were spat upon black

Pluck the armpit more makes the skin under the arm gets deep black.

Hair removal at you with a knife shave or pluck by spring, the pores in the armpit and more blooms to grow back hair, dark and hard, fast, more dangerous the bacteria will easily penetrate causing inflammation to clog pores, ingrown in very itchy , unpleasant. Because the fur will grow dark more than few times shaved or spit so that the underarms are also becoming more dark as black stains li ti texture like chicken skin is formed under the surface of the skin.

Underarm hair removal at home

Turmeric powder and fresh milk

Taking the turmeric powder and cream up to armpit hairs.

Mix well the flour mixture and milk then lather up the skin need treatment. Take the furry sticker set up the mixture and strong miết to the skin. To resources within 5 minutes, the strong recoil pads under the fur grows. This is how radically the fur at home quickly.


I used butter, smeared a layer over the skin under the arms. Use soft paper light miết up the butter creating associate degrees between butter and feathers. Then you peel the paper pieces that contrast with the rise of the feathers out with a quick movement. Then wash with SOAP or bath milk to avoid greasy skin. Only with this simple method, you have to remove the dense region of obnoxious under his arm, the health agreement an map according to their preferences.=



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