Drink green tea to lose belly fat fast-track

Drink green tea fat loss 

Nutrition experts recommend that you should drink green tea right after meals because of green tea containing tannins and theocin, the substance in the stomach will combine with the protein, vitamin B1 and iron in food, the formation of these compounds are difficult to absorb. At the same time it also inhibits the excretion of room and the room the intestine causing nutrient sources you eat can only absorb about 30% ... ... ... ....

Nutrition experts recommend that you should not drink green tea after a meal.

Therefore, to reduce belly fat while you still want to eat the mouth, the simplest way is to drink green tea after eating just get you a clean mouth feeling at the same time also prevents the absorption of nutrients by the body effectively.

How green tea


200 g fresh tea leaves (spinach leaves, found out a lot)

2 slices fresh ginger

3 litre boiling water hot (boiling is real memory)

Step 1: soak the tea Leaves over the water, clean the dust on the leaves, soak 10 minutes before remove

Step 2: boiling water rinse in warm area of brewing or coated

Step 3: I child leaves tea light, stars for broken leaf folded, but don't put yourself

Step 4: For tea leaves in the jar, drop 2 slices fresh ginger on top, take half a litre of boiling water poured into tea shake and pour over Rovers.

Step 5: boiling water rest on warm, do not cover the jar and let the tea infuse for 20 minutes

Have you add ice cold in the vase after 20 minutes to infuse tea again, to tea are green throughout. So we will have a delicious and extremely fresh tea in green job.=



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