Eating on time keeps your waistline and all you need to remember

Eating on time has a lot of effects, but it mainly helps ensure the digestive system works efficiently, consumes energy, has a proper rest period and the body will control the amount of intake. Imagine, you have breakfast at 10am, have lunch at 14h and have dinner at 10am, go to bed at 11am, how does your body work well?

Want to lose weight, gain weight or anything good for the body, keep in mind the ideal time frame to eat.

Besides eating and drinking, complimenting or exercising regularly, eating time also has a very important influence. In fact, there are golden hours of eating time that you do not worry about gaining weight, but along with that there are times of death that you should not be foolish to eat or else it will be difficult to control weight gain.

1. Breakfast: From 7 - 8am

After waking up, you should drink 1 glass of water to purify the body, then eat breakfast for about 30 minutes. This is the best time because you have just slept all night long, the digestive system is very "hungry" and easily absorbs food, helping you to have active energy throughout the day.

In parallel, you should avoid eating after 10 am. Because at this time, the food will turn into fat, accumulating, causing you to gain weight

The ideal food for the morning will be bread, noodles, pho, oats and a little dessert with fruits like apples, bananas, grapes.

2. Lunch: 12 - 14h

Lunch should be about 4 hours from breakfast, and most suitable between 12:30 and 14:00. Eating too early will make you feel bloated, not really delicious and will soon be hungry later. If you eat too late, the empty stomach does not make the body tired, tired because through hunger we will not want to eat anymore, leading to anorexia.

You should also note that you should not eat after 16:00. If you do exercise, you should only lining your stomach with light foods like sweet potatoes, cereals, bananas before training about 30 minutes.

3. Dinner: 18h30 to 19h30

The ideal dinner is around 18:30, but if you're busy, you can eat a little later, but make sure it's before 9pm. You should not eat dinner too late because after dinner is usually the time to go to sleep, the digestive system no longer works effectively, we also do not exercise much, which makes the body easy to accumulate fat, causing weight gain.

Ideally, you should have dinner about 3 hours before going to bed, otherwise the effort will be poured into the pool.



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