French women rely on these tips to stay younger than English women

According to the survey results posted on the prestigious British Telegraph page in April 2017: Although they reached the age of 40, French women still looked younger than English women for 3 to 4 years.

Not seeing the effect from the skincare process, the 30-year-old BTV reformed her skin care with 4 products and received amazing results. This gap is amazing, but it is also the most convincing evidence for the fact that the French ladies are really good at aging. So what is their secret? Quite simply, the anti-aging work of French women encapsulates only the five bullets below.

1. They are anti-aging very early, with simple skincare process

Since she was a teenage girl, French women were told by her mother to take care of and take good care of her skin with quality skincare products, sold at the pharmacy. And they go on making simple skincare with steps like: cleaning, applying toner, moisturizing and applying sunscreen . that's enough to enhance the health of the skin, causing the aging agents It is difficult to make their beauty fade with time.

2. They invest in the serum

French women can buy cleansers, moisturizers at pharmacies at reasonable prices, but for serum alone, they will not regret the investment. This is completely understandable because the serum contains a lot of concentrated nutrients, and the size of the micro molecule so that it penetrates much deeper than the cream, helping to solve the difficult problems of the skin more thoroughly, in which there are signs of aging appearing.

3. Walking is the key

Sport is also a way to help you be younger in both spirit, health and skin. But French women don't fall in love with gyms like American women. Instead, they like to take advantage of walking whenever possible; For example, when taking your pet dog for a walk in the park, walking to work, using the stairs instead of the elevator . And their habits do not bring about a weight loss effect like gym. , but sustainable and important, the skin is also healthy, young and longer.

4. Don't forget to take care of the ancient skin

The face can deceive the opposite person in your age, but the neck area is not; and French women understand this very well. In addition, the neck skin is also more fragile than facial skin so it is aging at a faster rate. For this reason, French women never forget to take care of the ancient skin by moisturizing, applying sunscreen. Like that, the new beauty is fully rejuvenated.

5. They do not depend on foundation cream

The Telegraph said that British women are willing to invest in foundation cream to "disguise" the stains on their skin (including wrinkles), rather than spending money on skin care. . French women are different, they only care about mascara and lipstick, confidently exposing skin that has been carefully cared for. Moreover, French women have a bad impression of foundation cream that some products even make wrinkles more visible on their faces.



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