habits that help protect your skin

Summer weather is hot and dusty, making our skin constantly pouring oil, clogging pores, causing acne . These are many problems women face, but you already know how to deal with this situation yet? Alkaline skin is supposed to put all the products on the face, but actually just change some simple habits that you have overcome.

Oily skin often brings an unpleasant feeling because facial skin often has a lot of oil, large pores and is very susceptible to dirt and acne. So she accepts 'living with floods' or is there a way to put oil on her face? Do not ignore the oil alkaline secrets that Nice365 bring right here later!

Oil absorbent paper

With oily skin, pores are more 'open' so dirt and toxins attach very easily. So facial cleansing is an extremely important step that she definitely must not miss. Only washing your face with a new cleanser can wash away most of the dirt on your skin and especially not to forget oil blotting paper.

This is an effective tool, trusted by many women, and immediately visible. However, misuse of oil-proof paper / film in the wrong way, continuous use, absorbing oil on the skin makes the skin lose moisture balance and pour more oil. Ideally, you should only use oil-absorbent paper in the middle of the session, soak it gently on the skin, without any blemish, but only lightly tap each area.

Should exercise

Sweating is an extremely effective natural mechanism for eliminating toxins in the skin through pores, while enhancing blood circulation, making the mechanism of skin cell function more smooth.

Drink a lot of water

Lack of water is the fundamental cause of continuous oil spills. In addition, you should also maintain a diet low in oil, fat, salt, fruit to provide nutrients to the skin.

Do not wash your face too many times

You can use cleanser twice a day in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed, and if you have to go to the street, get in contact with a lot of dirt, you can use clean water / salt water to penetrate the bleached cotton face wash, do not wash more than 2 times / day. In addition, the cleanser should also choose a standard pH, not too alkaline, which helps the skin to lose its natural moisture.

Take care to read the label and carefully shield the skin

In the summer, if you buy skin care products or makeup should also choose "oil free" or have a water background to avoid the oil added oil. In addition, she should also shield carefully when going out with sunscreen, sunscreen and masks, against UV rays and temperature - the main cause of skin aging.



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