His treatment of dandruff from the raw materials in the kitchen

Apple Cider vinegar

When eating apples, you don't forget to take a few slices of Apple to put in jars of vinegar in it.

When eating apples, you don't forget to take a few slices of Apple to put in jars of vinegar in it. In addition to the effect of bleaching the kitchen tools, acid in Apple Cider vinegar acts very good do bong the dead skin cells, limiting the accumulation of oil and oily substances on the skin first, complete termination of status holders were itching.

Mix 1/2 cup of Apple Cider vinegar with a few drops of essential oil of tea, brewed to hair within 30 minutes then wash with clean water.

Olive oil and lemon juice

If the acid in the lemon fresh bleach works by dead skin cells, then the olive oil has moisturizing effect, softens the skin cells. Combine lime juice with olive oil hair treatments are great, the termination status holders, moisturize and nourish the hair grow strong and healthy, silky iridescent.

For scalp itching and dryness, try each olive oil mixed with a lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of pure water. Shake well the mixture and massage onto wet hair, use this method before shampooing.


Honey has many uses for the human body and hair is no exception.

From the time of ancient Egypt, the effect of honey has been explored and the Queen use much for the beautiful job. According to many historical documents, to keep the hair smooth and iridescent on the vocal folds, the ancient Egyptians used goat fat and honey to illuminate the hair. The Mummy was unearthed intact hair on the head showed there is composition of goat fat and honey on hair.

Honey has many uses for the human body and hair is no exception, it is an excellent humectant to balance the Ph. Use about ½ cup of the honey massage, hair was wet, so in about 20 minutes and then shampoo with warm water. Perform this operation every time the shampoo until the complete cessation of status holders on the scalp.

Butter and mayonnaise

Is one of the few fruits that contain no cholesterol fats containing unsaturated single, butter contains more than 14 kinds of vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium and antioxidants, very useful for the beauty.

Mix ½ cup butter has been pureed with 1 teaspoon mayonnaise sauce. Use the mixture to massage onto wet hair and sit under hair steamer hair with brewed or a warm towel within 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water.


Salt is considered a popular spice in cooking, but few people know of great use it in beauty. The substance sodium in salt is one of the basic factors to regulate in nutrients in the human body. In traditional medicine, salt is used a lot for healing.

Pour a pinch of salt directly on the scalp and rub thoroughly but gently. Table salt will remove dry skin peeling before you shampoo, prevent growth efforts of fungi eat slime.

You can also get a pinch of salt, diluted with 1 pinch of alum. Use the mixture rubbed onto the scalp, massage it gently, and then use a cotton towel brewed for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water. Done regularly with many scalp dandruff and hair loss lot, after a month, the first itch and condition the hair loss will be completely terminated.


Take the onion juice and seep onto the scalp.

Cut or crushed, minced onions, then filter the retrieved onion juice and seep onto the scalp. You penetrate as much and for as long as possible. Finally wash with water and shampoo to lose the smell of onions.

The second way is to take the juice from onions mix well with 1-2 spoons of honey, the ratio 1:2 (1 table spoon of honey and 2 table spoon of onion juice) or 1:3. Wash the scalp, taking the swab and put an up each region of the scalp (especially the front, top and sides of the parotid region has many three because that is the most dandruff). For about 30-45 minutes and then flush again with clean water.


Dandruff treatment measures can not far where the refrigerator your home. Just lather 2 tablespoons lemon juice onto the scalp and shampoo again with water. Then stir a teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of water used to wash the hair. Repeat this daily until dandruff disappears completely. The acidity of the lemon to balance the pH of the scalp, helps you get away dandruff.


Antifungal properties of garlic are very perfect for the removal of bacteria causing dandruff.

Antifungal properties of garlic are very perfect for the removal of bacteria causing dandruff. Crushed garlic and rub into your scalp. To avoid the smell of warm garlic anonymously, please mix crushed garlic with honey and then massage onto scalp before DAB's head and shampoo as usual.=



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