How to bathe at home is safe and easy to use from natural ingredients

White bath with orange and rice bran

The combination of fresh orange and rice bran in white bath is very effective. To do this, squeeze the fresh orange juice and rice bran so that the smooth mixture has a pleasant aroma. Take a clean bath then rub the mixture over your body for about 20 minutes then massage and rinse with warm water. The frequency is about 1 time / week to have white skin!

- White bath with fresh orange and fresh milk

The combination of orange and fresh milk is very effective because there is a lot of protein in the milk, which makes the skin white and smooth. The method is very simple, you take orange juice mixed with fresh milk to rub the mixture on your body and then gently massage for about 20 minutes and then rinse with clean water. The frequency of 1-2 times / week, should not apply too constantly will cause harm to your skin.

- Bathe white with orange and honey

Honey has a lot of effects in beauty as acne treatment, blurring bruises, preventing aging so orange combined with honey helps your skin white and smooth. The same way is done with orange white bath with fresh milk or rice bran. This recipe is especially suitable for anyone who owns acne skin, bruises and lubricants.

White bath with beer

Beer is known to be the favorite drink of many people. Beer fermented from barley should contain a lot of B vitamins and Vitamin E to help lift the skin tone and smooth the skin. Her white bath will work perfectly by combining natural ingredients like honey, fresh milk, chicken eggs. As follows:

- Whole body bathing with beer:

This approach is suitable for those with limited time. The ingredients needed are 2 cans of fresh beer. You need to clean your body then rub the beer evenly over your body and gently massage it for about 20 minutes to rinse with water. After a while you will see your skin turn to see, make 1-2 times a week to achieve the effect.

- White body bath with beer and chicken eggs

Chicken eggs contain many nutrients and vitamins that are good for the skin. To do this you need to prepare 1 can of beer, 1 egg white and honey spoon mixed together until the mixture is thick.

You need to wet your body before applying the mixture and massage it in a circle so that the nutrients in the mixture penetrate deeper for about 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Once done, you will see that the skin becomes smoother and brighter. Frequency of 3 times / week to achieve the highest efficiency!

- Whole body bath with beer and fresh milk without sugar

Fresh sugar-free milk provides essential nutrients for the human body and skin. The combination of beer and fresh milk is an extremely effective skin whitening method.

To do this you need to prepare ½ beer cans, 30ml fresh milk, ½ sea salt mixed together. You then pour into the bath soak for about 20 minutes and then shower with water. Perform 2-3 weeks to make the skin turn brighter white.

Take a white bath

White bath with traditional medicine which is the secret of beauty of ancient beauties and handed down to today. In northern medicine, there are many nutrients to inhibit the formation of melanin on the skin, nourish the skin to become soft and light. In addition, the collagen essence in some Chinese herbs inhibits the aging process of the skin that makes skin shiny and youthful.

- Bathe white herbs with chicken eggs:

Mix the herbs well with chicken eggs to mix them well. Clean the skin and then apply the solution to the skin and massage for about 20 minutes then rinse with water. Maintain regularly 1 time / week to make skin light and less wrinkled.

- Bathe your face white with herbs and sugar-free yogurt

You use 4 tablespoons of yogurt to mix well with 2 tablespoons of medicinal herbs into a smooth and smooth mixture Clean the face and slowly apply the mixture evenly to leave for about 30 minutes then rinse with clean water. Perform regularly 2 times per week to improve skin color.

- White bath with traditional medicine with orange juice

Mix the mixture in 1 ratio: 3 orange juice for 1 minute. Clean your body and then apply the mixture evenly for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Maintain 1-2 times a week for the best effect.

White bath with perilla leaves

High levels of perila aldehyde and limonene oils, high in vitamin C, high antioxidant properties . in perilla leaves have a good effect in bathing white skin, helping skin to be smooth and smooth.

For white baths, use fresh, finely chopped shoots and perilla leaves, clean or branches, dry perilla leaves soaked in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then mix with cold water to moderate temperature when bathing. Make 3-4 times / week for skin to turn on!

White bath with fresh milk

Fresh milk is a food familiar to all ages for health care and beauty. White bath with fresh milk helps sisters to have radiant soft skin.

- White bath with pure sugar-free milk:

This is an effective full body white bath method applied by many beauty salons. The simple way to soak yourself in a bath with fresh milk is about twice a week to provide a full range of skin whitening nutrients.

- White bath at home with fresh milk and honey:

Honey contains a lot of nutrients such as acids, antioxidants to effectively exfoliate and whiten pink skin. When combined with fresh milk will provide moisture to make the skin softer and smoother.

To do this, use 400ml of unsweetened fresh milk with 2 tablespoons of honey and add a few drops of olive to the bath. You clean your body before soaking in the tub and massaging your body for 20-30 minutes, showering with warm water. In case there is no tank you apply directly to the skin and then massage for 30 minutes and then bathe again. Perform 1-2 times a week to get the best effect.

- White bath with fresh milk and papaya:

Papaya contains a lot of vitamin C and nutrients to help skin light, white and healthy. Combined with the composition of fresh milk helps smooth skin, eliminates melanin and whiter.

To do this you need to prepare 1 ripe papaya, cut with puree, mixed with 500ml of sugar-free fresh milk and 10ml of honey. Clean the body then rub the massage mixture for about 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Perform 1-2 times / week to have bright, smooth white skin.

White bath with coffee grounds

In coffee grounds containing rich minerals, vitamins help nourish white skin, fight darkening, stimulate new cell regeneration, anti-aging and limit wrinkles to bring a smooth, fresh appearance. healthy. White bath with coffee grounds is easy to make and to achieve the highest efficiency you should combine with some other materials such as:

- White bath with coffee grounds and yogurt:

You use 1 cup of coffee grounds to mix 1 can of sugar-free yogurt with 2 tablespoons of honey to make it smooth. You cleanse your body and then apply the mixture all over your body to notice the elbows, knees. Massage and massage for 20 minutes to allow the nutrients to soak in and then rinse with clean water. Then, before going to bed, apply moisturizer and perform 2-3 times a week in the evening to achieve the best effect.

- White bath with coffee grounds with fresh orange juice:

You use 1 cup of instant coffee with orange juice squeezed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, which is a smooth mixture. The same is done with a bath of coffee grounds and yogurt.

The combination of coffee grounds and fresh orange juice contains a lot of vitamin C, nutrients that nourish healthy white skin.

White bath with green tea powder

Polyphenol components, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea are antioxidant, antibacterial, absorb Tannin and excretions of black pigments in the body to make skin white and smooth. For high efficiency, you should combine the bathing of green tea powder with honey and chicken eggs, lemon juice, yogurt. As follows:

- White bath with green tea powder and chicken eggs, honey

Chicken eggs help form collagen and connect cells, keeping skin smooth and whiter and honey contains antioxidants and antimicrobials that help clean the skin surface, exfoliate and rejuvenate skin . Combining white bath with green tea powder and honey, chicken eggs help remove excess sebum on the skin, pores are open and provide nutrients for smooth, bright white skin.

To do this, use 3 tablespoons of green tea powder mixed with 1 egg white and 2 tablespoons of honey to make it smooth. Clean the body and then rub the mixture for 20 minutes with a massage and rinse with warm water. Persistence is carried out 1-2 times / week for satisfactory results.

- Bathe white with green tea powder and lemon juice, yogurt

The combination of yogurt and lemon juice which is used to lighten the skin, the essences in green tea powder will help fresh skin, rejuvenate the skin.

To make it, use 3 tablespoons of green tea powder mixed with 1 can of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey to make a smooth, mixed mixture. The way to do it is similar to how to bathe with green tea powder, chicken eggs and honey.

White bath with rice bran

The ingredients of vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, phytic acid . in rice bran help exfoliate, remove sebum dirt accumulated deep in the skin, regenerate and nourish white skin to lighten up everyday.

- How to bathe white with rice bran and olive oil

In olive oil, it contains a lot of vitamin E and antioxidants to help whiten and moisturize the skin effectively. When combined with rice bran it is like making a white bath cream safe at home.

To do this you need to prepare 1 cup of rice bran with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of honey mixed well. Clean the body then rub the massage mixture for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Make 2 times / week to feel the turn of the skin becomes more bright and bright white!

- How to bathe white with rice bran and turmeric

Cucumin in turmeric powder helps whiten dead cells to prevent the formation of melanin on the skin. So combining with rice bran will help white bath safely effectively.

To do this, use 1 cup of pure rice bran mixed with 3 spoons of turmeric powder to mix with 1 cup of clean water. The procedure is similar to how to bathe white with rice bran with olive oil.

- White bath with rice bran and fresh milk

The essences in rice bran help exfoliate, revitalize the skin, the fresh milk contains a lot of vitamins A, D, E and lactic acid will provide moisture to the skin always soft, reduce irritation, prevent aging chemical.

To make you use 1 cup of pure rice bran in 300 ml of unsweetened fresh milk and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. The procedure is similar to how to bathe white with rice bran with olive oil. The combination of rice bran and fresh milk is an effective way to bathe with rice bran that you can take.

White bath with red bean powder

Red bean powder contains a large amount of vitamins B, C, and E, which helps to lighten and smooth the skin and prevent the effects of UVA, UVB rays, which cause darkening and skin cancer. When combining red bean flour with other ingredients such as fresh milk, fresh lemon, rice bran, olive oil, . will bring great efficiency.

- White bath with red bean powder with rice bran, olive oil

To do this, use 1 cup of red bean flour, 1 cup of rice bran and 2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil mix well together until the mixture is smooth. Cleanse the body and then apply it all over your body and gently massage for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water, dry your body and apply lotion.

The combination of red bean paste, rice bran, olive oil, nutrients helps to exfoliate the blemishes and visible white skin.

- White bath with red bean powder and fresh milk

To do this, use 1 cup of red bean flour mixed with 300ml of fresh milk without sugar and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to mix. The procedure is similar to white bath with red bean paste and rice bran and olive oil.

White bath with mulberry

Many studies show that mulberry leaves contain alpha hydroxy acid components that help eliminate dead cells, renew new cells, and effectively whiten natural skin. In addition, minerals, vitamins, amino acids in honey will help nourish the skin, moisturize, clean, fight bacteria, prevent aging and help skin glow bright and healthy.

To make it, you take 100g of mulberry leaves to clean and puree, mix well with 3 spoons of honey to make a smooth mixture. You clean and use shower gel to remove dead cells so that the mixture quickly penetrates. Apply the mixture over the entire body and massage gently for about 15 -20 minutes and then rinse again. Perform 1-2 times a week to get the best effect.


All body whitening treatments should be done in the evening so that the skin does not get sunburned. Because after the process of bathing white skin, it is easy to be affected by UV rays and to protect you should apply sunscreen daily



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