How to get rid of foot odor quickly and effectively after only 3 days

Alum alum

You only need to put alum on the pan until they melt and close the cake, then spread alum into powder and apply it on the soles within 10 minutes. Please work hard continuously for 3-4 days, your feet will not sweat causing bad smell anymore.


Garlic is one of the most 'smelly' foods, so using it to eliminate foot odor will surely cause many people to wonder. In fact, garlic is a good food and is able to cure many diseases.

The garlic contains three important active ingredients, allicin, liallyl sulfide and ajoene. In it, allicinn is considered a natural antibiotic, inhibits many types of germs and can disrupt odor.

You only need to use 4 - 5 garlic bulbs, crush, mix with warm water and soak your feet regularly 2 times / week.

Green tea leaves

Crumpled green tea leaves boil with water, add a little cold water then foot bath will work to both eliminate toxins in the body, and treat the bad smell of the feet.

Fresh ginger and lemon

Lemon has natural acidity, prevents sweating, restricts bacteria causing odor. Ginger helps reduce bad smell.

Fresh ginger is washed, pressed with water to mix with 4 - 5 drops of lemon juice, rub evenly on both feet.

In addition, you can apply ginger and salt recipes. Prepare a solution of warm water, salt, ginger by mixing 2 liters of warm water with a small handful of granular salt, a few slices of ginger beating. Soak your feet for 30 minutes a day before going to bed. Performing many times, your foot odor will disappear.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are like any other organic matter that releases methane. In addition, coffee grounds when drying 1-2 sunshine has many other effective uses.

You can roast the coffee grounds to dry and then put out a clean brass, let it cool down slowly and put your foot in, rub both legs and interstitials so that the coffee residue absorbs moisture and removes the bad smell in your feet.

The used coffee grounds are put into shoes overnight to dehumidify and eliminate odors.

White rice vinegar

Vinegar works to treat itching and bactericidal very effectively so they can use vinegar soaked into the soles of the feet and let them dry naturally. This will quickly dispel the unpleasant smell and provide a cool feeling for the legs.



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