intensive lip treatment 4 quick performance

Shenzhen lips causes

Our lips are very sensitive to sunlight. The exposure will make the lips become dry and penetrating black due to the sunlight promotes the production of melanin pigment on the lips.

Some beverages contain caffeine such as tea, café also makes the lips were color variations.

The cause is due to the nicotine in cigarettes cause our lips were color variations and penetrating. Not only that, smoking also causes for dry, dehydrated and lifeless, has serious health effects.

When we do not provide enough water for the body that not only do the lips were dry, peeling lips do intensive over time.

In the lipstick category contains many harmful chemical components for the lips.

In the lipstick category contains many harmful chemical components for the lips. Regular use can make the lips were deep black, dark, in the long run will be very difficult to get back the natural pink like the original. Therefore, you should only use when necessary to protect the environment and avoid the deep lips deflated condition. You should also choose the lipstick product quality to limit the toxic chemical.

Intensive lip treatment effectiveness

Honey and lemon

Mix the honey and lemon juice, then take off on the fridge. Lather the mixture up and lips to quiet in one hour, then rinse. Make this 2 to 3 times per week. The citrus fruits such as lemon can reduce pigment on the lips. Nutrients in honey will nourish the skin healthy and do your lips look more rosy.

Olive oil

Olive oil helps your skin soft and moisturizing. It contains many essential nutrients to help your lips smooth, strain the Berry. Make your lips massage with olive oil and made this way every evening.

In addition, you can rub the natural blends including sugar and olive oil, help the environment. Done this way regularly every week for two months in a row.

Lemon and technology

Make a mixture of lemon juice and turmeric powder, then lather up lips. To blend in on the lips for 10 minutes, then you should rinse with warm water.

The pomegranate

Pomegranate can make your lips pink and smooth. It is one of the remedies intensive environment best. It also contains many nutrients nourish the skin.

Crushed pomegranate, pour more rose water and fresh milk, and then rub the mixture onto the lip 2 to 3 minutes. Then clean with warm water.=



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